Example sentences of "how [adv] she have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was no way of being certain how long she 'd spent on the ward ; it might have been six weeks or six years , but she was guessing at six months because this had been the first commission review that she 'd received .
2 The production control team rehearse the bulletin and tell Charlie via an earpiece how long she has to talk for .
3 Bathsheba now realized how thoughtlessly she had behaved towards him , and understood how deeply he loved her .
4 So much so that she was able to quieten any last lingering niggles about how easily she 'd folded by telling herself that tomorrow she would , most definitely , go out on her own .
5 She had never wholly believed it , but oh , how desperately she had wanted to !
6 She was going on to recall how yesterday she had thought of Vendelin Gajdusek 's being in Prague , when in actual fact , had she known it , he had been sitting right there beside her driving her back to Mariánské Láznë , when he suddenly gave her near heart failure by challenging , out of the blue ‘ I thought you said your name was Fabia ? ’
7 ‘ Go to hell ! ’ she burst out hoarsely and started to fight in deadly earnest , slapping and scratching at him , little cries of panic coming from the back of her throat as her mind flashed back into full operation and she realised with sick fear just how close she had come to the edge .
8 She must toss her head to see the lake clear again , and the action recalled how differently she had felt on the day when she skated there with Edwin Frere and Tom .
9 She hoped such mundane matters would keep his mind occupied for a good while , because , if he ever discovered how helplessly she had responded to him , Isabel knew she would die of humiliation .
10 As she descended the stairs , she appreciated for the first time how far she had fallen from grace .
11 I did n't think I could get used to it again , but , it 's surprising how well she 's fitted in
12 Her lovely face came before his eyes and he thought how beautifully she had played on the few occasions she had come down here with him .
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