Example sentences of "how [adv] [pron] have [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Cunard shipping giant , which also owns the QE2 , limped into port with storm damaged results yesterday , reflecting just how badly it has been blown off course .
2 ‘ Look how badly it has been done .
3 The idea of multi-disciplinary group work in such situations is not new ; but it is surprising how rarely it has been used .
4 ‘ Ardent ? ’ he asked helpfully , and it was n't much later that Hilary realised how skilfully she 'd been diverted .
5 And how right she had been to lie !
6 As the man unfolded his tall frame and stood up , slinging a dusty jacket over one broad shoulder , Folly realised how right she had been to see him as formidable .
7 That there has been a consistent theme to British economic policy over many years is clear ; how successfully it has been implemented within the EEC is more obscure .
8 we only went out for forty minutes , we were surprised how long we 'd been gone
9 What I 'd like you to do , is to try and put into words , what the main problems are at the moment , when they occur , where they occur , and how long they 've been going on for ’ .
10 Well it 's how long they 've been going , I suppose .
11 Ruth had no idea how long they had been driving when Sean turned the horses off the road on to a narrow side track .
12 It was n't until later , when Robyn heard Anne 's key in the lock , that she realised just how long she had been staring into space , miserably going over and over the disastrous weekend , in a futile attempt to try and put it all back into some sort of perspective .
13 She did n't know how long she 'd been lying there .
14 er do you know the er , it looked a fairly new building , I do n't know how long it had been going , she 's a member of the something club
15 It makes me wonder just how long it 's been going on , or if it was merely a way to get Calder out of an awkward situation . ’
16 So to find out how much you 've used , you 've got to multiply it by how long you 've been using it for .
17 So he 's realized how long you 've been waiting ?
18 Potential regional final hosts should tell us how long you 've been running exemption shows and give as much background information as possible .
19 Then they continue , they hand you the tape , you ask them a few questions , like what the band 's called , how long you 've been working together , and bla bla bla , and then erm , I think I I 'm actually doing it with Kent and James and they 're not thick .
20 He did not know how long he had been sleeping but woke up hungry and decided to sneak into the kitchens for a tin of soup .
21 Isabel wondered how long he 'd been sitting there — intent , watchful , waiting .
22 I had no idea how long he 'd been standing there .
23 How long he 'd been sleeping rough no one could tell .
24 His listeners heard all the details of Oliver 's illegitimate birth , and how generously he had been treated as a workhouse orphan .
25 Luce froze , realising how easily she 'd been lulled into a false sense of security .
26 He broke the engagement , stunned by how easily he 'd been duped by her .
27 How easy it had been to mislead him , as he produced his apologetic arguments and justifications .
28 Strange , how easy it had been to accept the harshness of the training depot and the lessons she had learned .
29 In addition , WGPT 's Permanent Downhole Readout product line has excellent potential for the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico , as evidenced by how quickly we have been awarded the Tahoe project contract by Shell in New Orleans ’ .
30 I understand how deeply you 've been hurt , must still be hurting , but … ’
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