Example sentences of "how [adv] [pron] [modal v] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The technique of getting them to supply the missing dialogue after a silent viewing of a scene provides a good opportunity for you and them to find out what language they have at their command and how flexibly they can use it .
2 ‘ I do n't think any of us knew how good he was a t the time , or know yet how much we 'll miss him now . ’
3 We correctly anticipated how much we would miss him , but the manner of his passing became him well .
4 She stared at the car lights going by on the ceiling and thought about her Diary and wondered how much they would pay her for it .
5 Public Choice theory argues that bureaucrats are judged by the size of the budget that they control and by how much they can increase it .
6 But these are n't word processors , no matter how much they 'd like you to think so .
7 Dr ‘ Patterson ’ … patients here are very much consultant oriented , and no matter how much you may feel you 're on the right lines for treatment , they do expect to go along and see a consultant .
8 The truth had to be reported , no matter how much it might hurt her to do so .
9 A lot of them were in no fit state to know if work needed to be done on their homes or how much it would cost them . ’
10 They think about how much it will cost them to pay for their land and their buildings , their seeds and young livestock , their machinery and the wages of their farm labourers .
11 The branch staff will give you details of the best loan for your purpose and will tell you exactly how much it will cost you .
12 Just tell us when she 's going , what 's going to happen to her , and how long we can expect her to be there . ’
13 ‘ I wonder how long they 'll do it for ? ’
14 She recalled that as a young girl she 'd often sucked slowly at a big lollipop to see how long she could make it last .
15 She was n't sure really how long she could keep it up — since after all , he was most probably here to stay …
16 See how long she can do it for .
17 They are that kind of car and if you look at £80,000 and how long it 'll last you and see how many £15,000 cars you 'll buy in that time , we 're probably bargains .
18 I 'm not sure how long it 'll take me before I can bear to look myself in the mirror again ! ’
19 Just wondering how long it 'll take you to read that paper Brian
20 Do n't know how long it 'll keep it up , but the forecast says ‘ no change ’ .
21 I 'd know what I could buy , how long it would take me to save for something … a new dress or whatever . ’
22 The other factor I checked was where the recording studio was situated and how long it would take me to reach by car .
23 At a lunch party celebrating Colin 's ninetieth birthday , Mr Getty arrived half an hour late with the ingenuous excuse that he had miscalculated how long it would take him to walk from the Ritz to Boodles Club in St James 's Street .
24 I wondered how long it would take him , and whether Diggs would now have to go shouting through the town , warning that the mad boy who set fire to dogs was on the loose again ; lock up your hounds !
25 Er we were finding out how long it would take us to deliver leaflets in Boothstown .
26 and it tells you how far away it is , how long it should take you to get there
27 They 've actually started now , they 've got a committee , of course I do n't know how long it will take them to get going for them , but
28 If nothing is readily available you find yourself trying to thaw out the cheesecake from the bottom of the freezer ( nobody will miss it , will they ? ) , or working out how long it will take you to get to the shops and back with a bag-full of goodies .
29 I ca n't believe what 's happening , nor how long I can stand it . ’
30 Celia said quietly : ‘ I do n't know how long I can stick it here . ’
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