Example sentences of "how [adj] [pron] [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Later she was to think how little she was prepared for the simple events which were to change her life completely — indeed she would have said that so much had happened to her already that any further incidents must be minor , a judgement which could not have been more faulty .
2 She stared down at her dress , blushing as she remembered how little she was wearing beneath it .
3 Perhaps it was fortunate that he had no inkling of how trying it was going to be .
4 To discover how cost-effective it was to sustain at home people who were judged likely to have been in an institution had it not been for the project 's services .
5 When seen the next morning in hospital , Pamela said she had not cared whether she lived or died when she took the overdose , but had hoped that it would show her parents how upset she was feeling about her school work , and that it might also persuade them to change their attitudes to her boyfriend .
6 How pleasant it is to sit on the cliffs of Dover and watch the waves rolling in .
7 And it does mean I know exactly how shitty you 're feeling at this moment , and all the horrible fates you 're wishing down on my head . ’
8 I can remember doing Bartholomew Fair at the Royal Court Theatre with the NYT and seeing all the scenery and lighting down on the stage at the end of the last performance and thinking how exciting it was to belong to the world of make-believe .
9 This may take up to 2 or 3 days , depending on the type of soil and how damp it was to start with .
10 Just think about how generous I 'm going to be .
11 I think that to be a loner and a writer is hell enough , but many would instantly tell me how horrendous it is to work in a factory — 1 did it for three months and loathed it — or to go to their office and stop from biting their nails when their boss has to score petty points off them .
12 Gary , said yesterday : ‘ I realised how bored I was standing behind a machine all day . ’
13 Just how dangerous they are depends on the particular chemical and how much is used .
14 See how delicate I 'm going to be .
15 They went into the living-room and Lee turned off the television and they ate scrambled eggs in silence , Lee sitting on her resentment and Philippa thinking how impossible it was to talk to someone who had a blind spot , a crazy gap , a fatal flaw .
16 On that first day I had little thought to spare for Parma itself , but gradually I came to realize how fortunate I was to go to school in a city that was both beautiful and intensely interesting .
17 How easy it is to labour in the arm of the flesh , depending on one 's own strength , wisdom and ability , but how futile .
18 He also demonstrates how hard it is to maintain this view , and how easy it is to lapse into logocentric assumptions .
19 Let's look at each in turn , and see how easy it is to live without them for a short period .
20 As the controversy grew yesterday over the alleged Princess Diana love tapes , electronics experts told the Mirror just how easy it is to eavesdrop on mobile phones .
21 I love to show people under the bonnet , because it 's immaculate — I ca n't believe how easy it is to get at everything . ’
22 On pages 206 — 211 we give some sample ready-planned daily menus made up from these meals , to show you how easy it is to keep to your preferred eating pattern and daily dieting calorie allowance .
23 A demonstration of how easy it is to break into a car .
24 Craig Cook , a reformed car thief , explains how easy it is to break into a car .
25 Then the next night , it 's back to waking twice or three times , and you wo n't know how easy it 's going to be to settle him .
26 It was quite incredible to see the original fabric and how it changed completely when washed and steam pressed and how easy it was to use as a lovely flat piece of fabric .
27 And we can tell him how , how much we 're gon na charge him but it 's up to him or whatever .
28 So that shows how much we 're gon na apply our deduction to .
29 Oh how much we 're gon na charge ? er .
30 This is how much we 're paying towards Brian B M W.
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