Example sentences of "how [adj] it be to be " in BNC.

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1 Why do n't I do the first half and you have an early night , and I 'll wake you at two o'clock ? ’ , knowing full well how awful it is to be woken out of a deep sleep at 2am to start work .
2 Dot thought how strange it was to be able to recognize a person 's dog even when the person was n't there , and then to know the dog 's name .
3 How easy it is to be expert in theory !
4 Let us consider watercress as a typical example of how easy it is to be deceived .
5 Consider how easy it is to be misled by the persuasive power of apparent proof .
6 In a week 's time you will find how easy it is to be perfectly objective with your child and at the same time kindly .
7 First , the episode shows how easy it is to be led astray by one 's own rhetoric .
8 By the end of two hours … the children have rescued a man from a burning building , , , , handled a gas leak … learnt about electricity … and dsicvoeverd just how easy it is to be tricked into going with strangers .
9 She was surprised to find how easy it was to be passive .
10 Even the soldiers in the field must 've been thoroughly sick of all those whining pieces about Our Boys and Girls , and their mail , or the endlessly recycled nonsense about how hard it was to be a female soldier in Saudi Arabia .
11 How gorgeous it was to be alive !
12 Santerre seemed cheerful enough , shuffling his feet , warming his hands , and loudly declaring how good it was to be back in his own home and with his own people .
13 She closed the door behind her and joined him on the pavement and as she took several breaths of the crisp October air she suddenly felt how good it was to be alive .
14 ‘ Think how terrible it is to be blind !
15 I thought I should let you know how valuable I think the analysis is to the conservation movement , and how helpful it is to be able to lend weight to a fresh strategy , such as that proposed in the paper .
16 ‘ Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to be caught in flagrante with my boss ? ’
17 Kermit and his staff watched and waited — they were expecting a blow but they did not or could not comprehend how severe it was to be .
18 ‘ We hope this information pack will show how important it is to be a good owner . ’
19 So far in this chapter I have tried to spell out how important it is to be clear where one starts from , where present trends are taking one to , and to be ruthlessly honest about the threats from the competition and from the external environment .
20 Nowadays everybody is aware of how important it is to be fit .
21 Again Jennie stressed how important it was to be able to use the hand and leg independently .
22 How essential it was to be able to work , and to be blessed with the will to work .
23 Certainly , it is sometimes said that a claim for conspiracy gives the plaintiff procedural advantages , but the reality of this may turn on how far it is to be held on ordinary principles that instigation or procurement suffices to make a person who does not participate in the act a joint tortfeasor .
24 On July 1st he was writing to say that he was back at the studio , and how delightful it was to be free of catheters , bougies , and syringes .
25 One , a punk , talked about the village in Wales where she lives and how difficult it is to be different , so that dyeing her hair blue becomes an extremely powerful statement about herself , saying all the things she wants to about her rejection of the values of the people in her village .
26 He had just nodded his head , and then returned to the talk about the social evening , and how difficult it was to be safe with prawns , and he had wanted to know if Dan and his lady would be coming to the Service 's New Year 's Eve party .
27 It was strange how difficult it was to be alone , especially as no one was anxious to be with me .
28 How wonderful it was to be able to stop a car on impulse and bathe in a pool of crystal-clear water !
29 And my , how wonderful it was to be proved right once again ! ’
30 Mildred leapt to the floor and sat there for a moment , reflecting how nice it was to be able to jump such an amazing distance without getting hurt .
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