Example sentences of "because [pron] was [vb pp] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 My father was the sweetest man in the world and there was nothing I could fight him for , or do against him , or he against me , because nothing was said that I did n't agree with , or he did n't agree with , because I was a very easy child .
2 I 'd say , " What 's going to happen there ? " because I was determined that I was going to have the baby on my own .
3 She signed because she was persuaded that it was the right thing to do , not because her husband 's pressure deprived her consent of reality .
4 In some cases setting was criticized because it was argued that it was producing underachievement in certain pupils , although many teachers did not accept this .
5 The other bank was also attacked , because it was argued that there was a syndicated loan .
6 The scope or character of a piece of criticism is naturally related to the magazine or newspaper in which it appears , as we noticed in the case of Dore Ashton 's dismissal from the New York Times because it was asserted that her work could not be understood by the paper 's readers .
7 In those days I was known as ‘ Horse ’ because it was said that I galloped , so the cries from team-mates Mike Powell and Ossie Cham were ‘ Come on , Horse ! ’
8 She is regarded as passive ( because the light does not have the intensity of the sun ) , and productive because it was believed that her shining , heavenly presence encouraged the growth of crops .
9 Similar proposals put forward at the end of World War I , to provide financial support via NHI to women after childbirth , were rejected largely because it was felt that they would offer an inducement to married women to work .
10 The emphasis was upon local government because it was felt that it was easier to develop a comparative analysis drawing upon the considerable number of studies of local decision making in Britain and the United States .
11 Because it was felt that I had got to know you two a bit yesterday .
12 Until very recently , married women were unable to draw the allowance for the care of invalid relatives because it was assumed that they would do that anyway as they were at home all the time , despite the fact that two-thirds of married women work .
13 Moreover , the report found that single parents were often expected to share a bedroom with a child , where two parents were not , and were seldom offered houses with gardens because it was thought that they could not look after them .
14 The importance of the Cycladic islands had been exaggerated because it was alleged that there were Cycladic influences in the Balkans and in Italy and indeed Sicily , and in Iberia .
15 Nicols , Winch and Hobart held that the action was well laid because it was alleged that there was a request before the endeavour was made and where there is such a precedent request , a subsequent assumpsit after the execution of the consideration is binding .
16 I am glad to see that the Minister is fine and fit , because it was reported that he was ill .
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