Example sentences of "because [pron] [noun sg] [is] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 And Chris , 13 , said proudly : ‘ I entered because my mum 's always complaining about the pong and my pals at school joke about my smelly feet .
2 ‘ I 'm also angry because my husband is n't working so he will be able to get his legal aid for free .
3 They are also a good investment because their value is still appreciating . ’
4 ‘ Not if they 're going to come back again immediately because their husband is forever divorcing them . ’
5 Amber is for ‘ caution ’ behaviour , which you do n't encourage but tolerate because your child is still learning and making mistakes : something like digging holes in the lawn with his spade or hurling her toys across the room in a moment of fury .
6 ‘ But because your skin is also losing pigment , staying blonde can make you look washed out .
7 I mean , because your dad is n't gon na agree to what they 're saying .
8 Either of these ways is easy ; because your victim is carelessly drifting through another evening of everyday , life .
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