Example sentences of "because [pron] [vb -s] been [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Is the Minister confident that when information is no longer relevant , because somebody has been convicted of the offence , the information relating to other people is removed as soon as possible ?
2 A parliamentary candidate has branded a football club as sexist because she 's been barred from a men-only dinner .
3 In the first place she is anxious because she has been taken from her companions and familiar environment , and placed in a foreign country .
4 From one point of view this is a defiant retreat into the ‘ utterly other discourse ’ ( 5,15,143 ) of Cassandra who yields to her penchant for lexical distortion because she has been forced into an impossible position .
5 For one of Karl Barth 's disposition it could never be said that because something has been perceived to be natural by humankind , therefore it is the will of God .
6 I say used to because he 's been struck off the medical register .
7 The reason for this is that ( in many cases ) the client becomes aware of the proposed legislation either because he has been served under the General Orders with a notice as being directly affected , or because he has seen it in the local newspaper or Gazette advertisement .
8 KENNETH Clarke appears to have dropped out of the smart betting for the succession to Mrs T , no doubt because he has been landed with the mucky end of the Cabinet stick .
9 So , in Danger Rock , the practical knowledge of small ships and heavy seas belonging to the sailor known as Shelty is available to the apprentice of eighteen , Jim Naylor , who for his part rises to the challenge of danger ( when he and his fellow apprentices land on an uninhabited island off the Newfoundland coast after their ship has been holed by ice ) because he has been trained with command in mind .
10 The basic view is best expressed by Skinner himself : ‘ A person disposed to act because he has been reinforced for acting may feel the conditions of his body at such a time and call it ‘ felt purpose' ’ , but what behaviourism rejects is the causal efficacy of that feeling . ’
11 The third party is now commonly known as an expert , usually because he has been chosen for his expertise about the issue between the parties .
12 But it 's been done because people wanted it to happen , not because it 's been imposed upon them . ’
13 Because it 's been linked to so many other illnesses like heart disease and ulcers , stress is thought to indirectly account for as much as a third of all U S health-care costs .
14 If Oman today is a relaxed and comfortable nation , it is because it has been led in 21 years from medieval seclusion to modern success .
15 It is a counterfeit of the spirit that goes on daily , you see , made worse because it has been joined by the visual counterfeit possible in television .
16 The public library has lost its soul because it has been absorbed into the modern semi-literate culture and because it did not have the knowledge and experience gained across generations that the old private libraries had to enable them to cope with the world of mass circulation popular fiction , for example , rather than the People 's University that Hoggart remembers from his youth in the Hunslet district of Leeds .
17 Equally — perhaps more seriously — the relative value of the basic pension has been falling because it has been related to prices , not incomes , so that unless steps are taken , by the year 2025 the value of the basic pension as a proportion of gross earnings could have fallen by half .
18 This is because it has been replaced by more suitable roads which have been adapted to the continually changing pattern of communications and settlement development .
19 The standard method of recovery must be taught because it has been proven to be effective during testing .
20 As a member of the Select Committee on Sittings of the House , I give nothing away — because it has been said in public session — when I say that consideration must be given to the views of the Lord President and the shadow Leader of the House about the timetabling of legislation , following some of the thinking on the subject of the Select Committee on Procedure .
21 ( In fact it is Grade II starred because it has been inhabited for more than 1,000 years . )
22 It is a fact that the written essay — usually of 400 to 500 words long — has dominated the English language and literature curriculum for many years because it has been seen as the main vehicle for the transmission of knowledge in written examinations .
23 Some concern has been expressed that in its transposition the idiom of Taizé may seem musically and liturgically slight , because it has been separated from the particular spirituality of which it is part .
24 I welcome this book on two major counts : first , because it succeeds in what should be the aim of every author , that is to educate and entertain , and secondly because it has been written by a very knowledgeable person who genuinely cares for his dogs , has bred a consistent type for many years and has put as much into the ‘ dog game ’ as he has taken out .
25 If western free-market fundamentalism has been faintly relaxed in the west , this is because it has been intensified in its export version .
26 A horse that has been continually galloped by one owner , is not going to change its expectations of being ridden just because it has been bought by someone who wants to travel at a more sedate speed !
27 And , attempts to encourage greater accountability and competition between authorities have tended to flounder because it has been accompanied by a higher degree of centralization and control and a wider gap between the possibilities of locally generated finance and overall levels of spending .
28 One could argue pop has declined not because it has been infiltrated by a counter-cultural message , but because of the demise of the Sixties counter-culture .
29 BT can afford to take a smaller profit , of course , but it is only doing that because it has been shamed into doing so by its customers .
30 The spearhead is dangerous because it has been dipped into the poison of communal rivalry between the 80%-plus of India that is Hindu and the 11% that is Muslim .
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