Example sentences of "one could [adv] [verb] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One could equally argue that imperative , strenuous movements are rarely dreamed — one tends to be an observer , paying little attention to how one gets about .
2 His office at the Caterham factory is covered with pictures of Seven racing cars — and one of Patrick McGoohan , whom he persuaded to endorse a special 35th anniversary Prisoner edition of the Seven this year ; his most animated conversation is reserved for descriptions of the car and its abilities , and one could almost believe that finances and company administration took a firm back seat to the development and fine tuning of the car 's design .
3 The gulls can see the help and benefit they receive from Iago 's service , but can not see , or conceive , that Iago could be benefiting himself at the same time ; and no one could possibly see that Iago is in fact benefiting himself by destroying them .
4 While no one could possibly argue that Benidorm is attractive , it is well-run and very popular .
5 After the minister 's almost tender observation that ‘ the process of forming a humanistic and harmonious world outlook was now upon us ’ , one could only gape as Reesa Greenberg , from Montreal 's Concordia University , delivered an astonishing plea , entirely in earnest , that museums engage a new art audience in shopping malls .
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