Example sentences of "because of the [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Table 1.5 gives the figures for full-time , part-time and total degree enrolments in 11 subject groups between 1979–80 and 1986–87 , excluding the Open University where degree courses can not be grouped in this way because of the structure of foundation plus optional courses ( Open University 1989 ) .
2 This is because of the structure of trade unions themselves in Britain .
3 Mr Whitelaw dealt with the question normally by saying that it was no doubt a suitable kind of punishment for schoolboys , but it did not make sense for judicial use , especially because of the delay between offence and punishment .
4 Emotions ( according to this theory ) are purged because of the release of tension involved in identifying with the participants in a representation of violent events .
5 This absorption into a different community , quite other than anything he had experienced since childhood , into which he had the natural right of entry accorded by his Welsh cousins because of the tie of blood , required a few more Long Vacation visits before he could articulate its meaning for his own mature intellectual development .
6 The grading is only approximate because of the variation in success rates resulting from such contextual factors as the arrangement of data in particular tables .
7 Analysis by Mr Haraoka 's office explains the recent rise in Japan 's trade surplus as follows : because of the recession at home , Japan has seen a decline in expensive imports of luxuries , which were enormously fashionable during the second half of the 1980s .
8 ‘ I 'm a copywriter at Grantham and Marsh — a top London advertising agency , ’ she responded coolly , finding it unnecessary to add that , because of the recession at present affecting the advertising world generally , her job might not be waiting for her on her return !
9 Because of the stress on argumentation , the rhetorical approach warns against assuming the internal consistency of social consciousness or social representations .
10 Once massive amyloid dposits occur in the muscularis propria , this myopathy is thought to be an irreversible change because of the difficulty of elimination of this insoluble protein .
11 — accepting that arsenal limits imposed did not apply to sea-launched cruise missiles ( SLCMs ) because of the difficulty of verification ;
12 Until recently , it was not appreciated how widespread this kind of behaviour is , mainly because of the difficulty of egg-detection .
13 But production has slumped by 45 per cent because of the plunge in demand — and there 's no end in sight .
14 In addition , because of the course of world events , he was turning to look more closely to France for political support .
15 Following a tender competition , the offer from Fairclough Building Ltd. was chosen , but the cost had now risen to almost £1.3 million , partly because of the imposition of VAT on building operations in the 1984 budget .
16 The new developments in information skills are still primarily research-led and because of the slowness of dissemination and take-up of work based on research it is not clear what the impact will be of this work on library practice .
17 RMI has been able to benefit from this experience , in part , fortuitously because of the progress in information technology .
18 Thus , what initially appeared to be a reasonably-sized oil discovery was downgraded to the point of being uneconomic , largely because of the influence of anhydrite cementation .
19 Because of the shortage of plutonium , because of the call on plutonium by the Trident programme , he was required to reduce the warhead weight for the cruise system .
20 In the USA , because of the Freedom of Information Act , they are legally entitled to receive it all .
21 ( The ‘ Contemporary Illustration ’ exhibition in which your daughter 's work featured , for example , fitted in with our policy because of the relevance of illustration to books . )
22 The miracle was remembered by the early Church because of the emphasis on faith .
23 But the party has also lost out because of the salience of race ( which encouraged the white south to defect to the Republicans ) , embourgeoisement of the working class , and the Social Issue ( concern about the rise of the anti-Vietnam war protest movement in the 1970s and the assertiveness and challenges to traditional values by various minority groups ) .
24 It could not be done by direct supervision because of the inability of management to be present at the face frequently enough .
25 Doncaster staged it 's first meeting since the abandonment of the St Leger fixture but it was a disappointing turnout with a total of only 29 runners , which included a walk-over by Tebitto , who won £4,491 because of the defection of Tap On in the Sea Pigeon Handicap Hurdle .
26 Because of the size of block used , laying is an easy job which can be spread over a period of time .
27 Because of the shortage of money , we only sent two backstrokers to Antwerp in 1920 , and I came third in the trials , which were held in the open air pool at Southport , now a children 's playground .
28 Usher relied on bore holes and tanks although even those proved inadequate one year when the school had to be closed for three months because of the shortage of water .
29 Because of the shortage of plutonium , because of the call on plutonium by the Trident programme , he was required to reduce the warhead weight for the cruise system .
30 More of our ice cream is being imported from France , not because of the quality of our product but because of the shortage of milk .
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