Example sentences of "because of [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But that 's not there because of various actions by the European Community .
2 The proportion will not increase greatly towards the end of the century because of low birth-rates in the 1930s .
3 On the same day the first congress of the Entrepreneurs Party elected Tibor Szabo as its chairman , but at its second congress in June the leadership resigned because of poor results in the national elections and Jozsef Rigo took over as party leader .
4 I also told John Chaplin that I would inform the National Transportation Safety Board in Washington ( the accident investigation authority in the USA ) of the situation so that there would be no question of action being delayed because of poor communications between the UK and the USA .
5 Doubtless because of strong objections from the distaff side , Becke 's truly Christian comment was not repeated in later editions .
6 Threatening co-ordination difficulties can arise if and only if the system 's managers can not resolve the displacement of crises because of serious dysfunctions in the economy or some sort of collapse in the cultural — ideological system .
7 Mozambican officials had reportedly become dissatisfied with Moi as a mediator because of close ties between the MNR leader Afonso Dhlakama and senior officials in the Kenyan government .
8 Some commentators consider that this is likely in the UK because of long-run problems with the manufacturing sector ( Burkitt and Baimbridge 1989 , and Cutler et al.
9 Having returned to China to work in and among the numerous but fragmented Vietnamese independence factions , Ho 's position as an acknowledged communist in what was an essentially anti-communist Kuomintang was always precarious and for whatever reason he was imprisoned ( in conditions of great hardship ) it seems likely that he had been close to the point of death before he was released thirteen months later : Chen suggests because of communist sympathisers in the local Kuomintang hierarchy .
10 The 3000s support 2,300 users , less because of current limitations in the MPE/XL operating system for multi-processing , but TPS rates are higher , ranging from 114 for the 3000 990/100 up to 420 for the 992/400 .
11 The government statement said that Keeling had been expelled because of unsavoury reports about the Nigerian government , which it said had been " fraught with inaccuracies and outright fallacies apparently intended to cause mischief and disharmony among Nigerians " .
12 It was announced on Feb. 22 that a government inquiry into the position of former East German Prime Minister Lothar De Maizière , who had been obliged to resign from the German Cabinet in December 1990 because of alleged connections with the Stasi [ see p. 37905 ] , had failed to prove that De Maizière had spied for the Stasi .
13 According to the ITAR-TASS news agency the referendum call was voted down because of alleged breaches in the law during the collection of signatures .
14 Officials said the passengers were in poor health because of unsanitary conditions aboard the 310ft freighter East Wood during their weeks at sea .
15 But because of increasing restrictions over the past few years we have now bought a rack to carry the bikes on the back of a car .
16 But because of increasing restrictions over the past few years we have now bought a rack to carry the bikes on the back of a car .
17 Some kinds of adult education through the trade union movement were given in the workplace , but a Central Sandinista de Trabajadores ( CST ) representative said that educational classes in workplaces had sometimes been suspended because of economic difficulties within the enterprise .
18 Capitalism suffers because of inadequate limits on the exercise of freedom .
19 Capitalism suffers from inflation , instability , pollution and injustice because of inadequate limits on the exercise of freedom .
20 Communism suffers from the direction of capital and labour and state control of the family , religion , education and the arts , because of inadequate limits on the urge to dominate .
21 In the sluggishly expanding industrial labour market women have lost ground relative to men , and an important proportion of the women who must seek work because of inadequate earnings of the husband or because the family lacks a male breadwinner continue to be restricted to domestic service , street vending , and other marginal low-income occupations .
22 In 806 , for instance , Charlemagne imagined for his second son Pippin a regnum ( literally : area ruled over ) comprising Italy and Bavaria , which made sense because of historic links between the two regions but overrode the Alps .
23 In the productivity of Lake Vanda phosphorus is a limiting element ( Vincent and Vincent , 1982 ) , because of gravitational losses into the sediment and lack of turbulence to return it to general circulation .
24 Trade unions fell into the second of these groups , but , because of their large and fluctuating membership and because of certain provisions in the Trade Union Act 1871 , it was assumed that it was impracticable to bring actions against them so as to make their funds liable .
25 Laquer refers to the Reformation because of certain similarities between the problems caused by the Reformation and the Cold War .
26 Sometimes these are referred to as ‘ letter-sound rules ’ , but this term can not be a correct one , because of certain aspects of the nature of the writing system used for English .
27 It is however true that a depreciation in share values will be of concern to management , because of possible repercussions in the market for corporate control .
28 Sir William , who was expressing a personal view because of internal differences over the reorganisation , said that to split the NCC into three would remove a strategic overview in formulating national policies .
29 They attended some of the London Stop The Clause meetings in order to gain information and strengthen communication — unfortunately , they often came away frustrated and unsuccessful because of internal difficulties within the London campaign .
30 The move , which was made possible partly because of new estimates of the reserves available in the vast Groningen gas field , was calculated to increase government revenue by up to Fl40,000 million , although this would mainly be after 2000 .
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