Example sentences of "because it is [art] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It would also be our contention that there should not be an attempt to direct traffic er in a northerly direction onto the A sixty one itself , beyond Killinghall because it is a particularly hazardous road with considerable bends on and I would be inclined to think it was far safer to direct them to the A one via the A fifty nine and southern bypass .
2 It is vital for every pilot to learn to steer on the ground because it is a completely different technique to turning in the air .
3 Precisely because it is a preeminently realistic genre it is incompatible with outer reality .
4 No I do n't think either erm The whole emphasis of Homeworks is to learn things there which we can then bolt on to the main chain , I 'll be absolutely amazed if in fact Homeworks manages to drive anywhere near the amount of customers through it that M F I does or the problem we had in Yeovil is because it is a very rural area a is not having the M F I name above the door so no that is not the intention .
5 It is impossible for the business at that pub to be increased to such an extent , because it is a very small house .
6 But I think what , perhaps the , the best thing to do is when the transcriptions come back , and this may not be till the summer because it is a very long long process , when they come back , they will all go back to the person who made them ten people .
7 I have quoted this objection at length because it is a very serious one .
8 I did want er Mr to say something about the pestilence , because it is a very serious matter for this Committee .
9 Changed secretion of peptides , amongst many other such changes , may be necessary if memory formation is to occur , but it is neither sufficient nor , because it is a very general process , can it be regarded as specific to any particular memory .
10 ‘ You could see how you could get stuck in the ( NME ) job , because it is a very easy life .
11 suggest we do , beca because it is a very valid point
12 ‘ We are treading very cautiously because it is a very vexed question , and people tend to react from the gut , rather than the head , ’ he said .
13 As vicars say , I would like to share with you exactly how he put it because it is a very important constitutional question . ’
14 I hope that that is understood , because it is a very important point .
15 But ill-articulated as many people 's thoughts sometimes are in substance , they often amount to an assumption of semi-voluntary performative submission to an authority , because it is a morally worthwhile attitude to have .
16 The BSO is not likely to support this function very successfully because it is a relatively broad and unspecific classification scheme , with only sufficient specification for the classification of organizations concerned with the control of information ( for example , libraries , clearing houses , abstracting and indexing agencies ) and not to support the indexing of , say , individual periodical articles .
17 I have selected them partly because I was involved in their investigation , but also because it is a relatively simple system that does happen to illustrate these two concepts rather nicely .
18 The investigators chose Kirkcaldy to examine the Scottish experience because it is a relatively self-contained labour market in which employment trends and industrial mix follow those of Scotland generally .
19 Academics love complication for the sake of complication because it is a highly marketable substitute for ideas .
20 You should get there at all costs , because it is an absolutely astonishing place , but the nature of the spectacle is such that it can only work on you properly if the cirque is not being mobbed ; it demands a certain loneliness , and on afternoons in July and August , for instance , the coaches are said to have to queue before they can get into the village of Gavarnie .
21 It is not something , oh well I did n't feel like it , it is not a light hearted thing , because it is the most fantastic , the most solemn the most life-changing decision we can ever , ever make !
22 Bearing that in mind , County likes Anglian because it is the most regulator-friendly of the 10 water stocks and likes Wessex for its significant waste management interests .
23 A person who wields authority in such a society does not do so typically by virtue of traditional rules ( about kingship or hereditary authority , for example ) or because of that person 's supposed special charismatic qualities , but as a result of an impersonal rule which has been consciously created by a rational legislative process , Weber says that the appropriate administrative form for a system of legal authority — because it is the most efficient form — is bureaucracy ( Weber 1969 : chs 3 and 11 ) .
24 Because it is the most complex of all food elements , protein is the hardest to break down in the body , requiring a great deal of energy .
25 For example , The Economist ( 1987 ) noted that " banks lose money in the eurobond market because it is the most competitive capital market … compete to underwrite bonds at rates so cheap they can only be sold at a loss , often exceeding fees ( 1 ⅞%); ng … some institutions subsidise borrowers by providing money at below market rates …
26 This was discussed with Ann earlier this year and is being carried out during August because it is the most convenient month .
27 But football generally speaking has to be the biggest , simply because it is the most popular still .
28 From the evidence presented above — and this is merely illustrative of the evidence available — it should be clear that corporate crime ought to be a prioritized concern because it is the more serious .
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