Example sentences of "because it is [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The national interest demands that excise duty discrimination against spirits should be ended , both for domestic reasons and because it is essential to the Government 's negotiating position in future ECOFIN discussions .
2 Though her motivation is irrelevant in the sense that it matters not why she took the decision she did , I find that the reason for her refusal of a blood transfusion arises because it is contrary to the beliefs of the Jehovah 's Witnesses .
3 It is a fact that exercise is of general benefit to people of all ages because it is necessary for the optimum function , structure and preservation of muscles , bones , joints , and the heart .
4 Because it is subject to the conditions of carriage that we accept their business and therefore we have to provide them with written information .
5 The site is particularly important because it is one of the few such castles to have developed out of an earlier Norman stone-built ring-work fort .
6 The State is seen as developing as class differentiation increases , because it is one of the tools by which a dominant class maintains itself .
7 I have discussed active transport at some length , because it is one of the processes on which the maintenance of spatial differentiation in organisms ultimately depends .
8 Such a circumstance would be most regrettable — and not only because it is one of the functions of education to dispel confusion .
9 I mention this only because it is one of the dominant features in an inspector 's life , the shadow of which he feels at all times .
10 It is certainly worth finding , because it is one of the most unusual objects in the sky .
11 The first is that the retention by the state of taxes unlawfully exacted is particularly obnoxious , because it is one of the most fundamental principles of our law — enshrined in a famous constitutional document , the Bill of Rights 1688 — that taxes should not be levied without the authority of Parliament ; and full effect can only be given to that principle if the return of taxes exacted under an unlawful demand can be enforced as a matter of right .
12 If qualification is hard to define , it is because it is one of the fundamental notions that are called on in building linguistic structures ; it is one member of a subsystem which in its essence will actually reduce to three terms : qualification , equation ( on which see Section 1.7 ) , and absence of relation .
13 This is the first controlled trial of a bismuth enema preparation in patients with distal ulcerative colitis. 5-Aminosalicylic acid was used as the alternative treatment because it is one of the most effective topical treatments available .
14 If you read Totem and Taboo , and I , by the way I do expect all of you er to read it , because it is one of the set er books , and one of the things I 'm not gon na do in these lectures on the black books , is to tell you what the book says , and just kind of repeat it in the lecture .
15 The nature of letter writing has been emphasised , because it is critical to the success of a recruitment system .
16 This is so called because it is available to the general public or to civilians rather than to the authorities .
17 Venus is exceedingly hot , partly because it is nearer to the Sun than is the Earth , but largely because its atmosphere is so rich in ‘ greenhouse ’ gases .
18 Because it is closer to the Sun than Earth , Venus probably contained less water than Earth .
19 If the circulation scheme proposed in ref. 3 is adopted , namely cyclonic flow out of the Labrador Sea eastwards across the North Atlantic , with northward branches into the Irminger Basin and into the Iceland Basin and Rockall Trough , then the water in the Iceland Basin should be of more recent origin than that of the Rockall Trough because it is closer to the source .
20 Because it is close to the capital it has a large medical staff .
21 The spit and hiss of a cornered cat may startle an attacker because of its suddenness and also because it is reminiscent of the threat display of a venomous snake .
22 This drawing is known as the gold tranche ( now called the ‘ reserve tranche ’ ) because it is equivalent to the contribution of gold from the member country under previous quota arrangements .
23 The ‘ adaptive information ’ manifested in behaviour can , however , be described as inherited , because it is due to the action of natural selection over many generations .
24 No true supporter of any country would want Wales to remain in the doldrums , but would rather see them return to a competitive level because it is good for the game .
25 The reason Scottish Equitable is proposing this deal is because it is short of the necessary capital needed to carry on growing its business .
26 At Londonderry there has been a similar type of growth around a trans-shipment point but because it is further from the mainland it is a smaller centre , of about 90 000 people .
27 It is also necessary because it is difficult for the designer to be precise ahead of time .
28 Because it is open to the sea , the lake becomes salty now and again , but the salt is flushed out by the rivers that feed it from the African mainland .
29 Will the hon. Gentleman persuade the Secretary of State of the necessity of that InterCity link going ahead , because it is important to the entire system ?
30 This suggests another reason why memory might be related to subjective risk , simply because it is advantageous to the organism to have memory organized that way ( c.f. J. R. Anderson , 1990 ) .
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