Example sentences of "because i [vb past] [pron] might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My nerves were really on edge when the time came round to try her , because I feared she might have lapsed , forgotten how to fly to me .
2 I was a bit nervous , because I thought she might go for me , but I crawled into the cage and put a slip lead on her .
3 ‘ Look , Dorothy , I hired you because I thought you might shake the place up a bit , so if you are unhappy here , that 's at least partly my fault .
4 Because I thought you might have changed .
5 I put my arms around her and hugged her , but I did n't kiss her again because I thought I might cry .
6 ‘ I offered you brandy because I thought it might steady your nerves . ’
7 I lit another cigarette from the stub of the first ( unheard-of for me ) — not because I wanted it but because I felt it might give an illusion of poise to walk into the Presence with a cigarette dangling carelessly from my lips .
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