Example sentences of "because it [vb mod] [not/n't] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The second is that this may not be a proper question at all , because it ca n't be answered .
2 Of course , I would be very guarded about allowing the Wizard from Oz 's sound to be the sole influence in choosing an instrument , because it ca n't be said often enough that a player 's style is almost as individual as his DNA .
3 It was Saturday evening as we neared the low-lying reaches of sandy shore and the outlying rocks of Tiree , and the sun was setting peacefully as our steamer came alongside of the stone pier at Scaranish Harbour , and we saw a sand-environed bay with some veteran sloops fixed in the sand — no more to mount o'er the waves of ocean , and spread ample sails to the breeze of heaven — left there , I am told , because it would not be deemed lucky to break them up .
4 Your solicitor , during the course of making enquiries about the home you are going to buy , may not uncover a right of way because it may not be registered and the present occupant of the property may not be aware that there is a legal right .
5 This way of seeing the development of databases can be misleading because it should not be implied that either each new generation will replace the previous generation ( all these systems will be used for some foreseeable time in the future ) or that each new generation is necessarily better than the previous one ( the appropriateness or otherwise of an approach will depend on the organisation and its applications ) .
6 And if the spring is late , like this year , then the supplies of hay that the women gathered all autumn from the steepest slopes where the grass grew longer because it could n't be grazed just do n't last out .
7 ‘ Merseyside was the most dangerous place to be in 1940 and 1941 , but the Government and media tended to emphasise the fate of London , because it could n't be hidden .
8 Mr MacGregor 's expected announcement of the route of a railway between London and the Channel Tunnel has been postponed because it could not be fitted into the parliamentary timetable yesterday .
9 The Policyholder may claim a constructive total loss when the subject matter of insurance is reasonably abandoned to the Insurer on the account of its actual total loss appearing to be unavoidable or because it could not be preserved from such actual total loss without an expenditure that would exceed its value when recovered/repaired .
10 The NAO chief , Sir John Bourn , said some money would have to be written off because it could not be recovered .
11 Indeed , the House of Lords expressly approved the earlier judgment in Al Saudi Banque and Others v Clark Pixley ( 1989 ) 3 All ER 361 in which it was held that auditors did not owe a duty of care to a number of banks because it could not be established that the auditors knew either that the company 's accounts were to be shown to the banks or that the banks would rely on them in reaching decisions as lenders .
12 However , a cash underpinning is not entirely the same thing as a vendor placing because it will not be known exactly how many shares will be the subject of a sale ; that will depend on the number of acceptances of the cash underwritten alternative .
13 The UK has to import rubber because it can not be grown here .
14 The regular septagon is the most inaccessable of the primary polygons … probably because it can not be constructed accurately with only ruler and compass .
15 I try to put myself in their shoes , because it can not be emphasized often enough that business is very much like war , despite the optimistic view that there is enough scope and space for everybody to be successful .
16 The fact is that they hold the uterus open , which means that egg and sperm are allowed to unite , but the pregnancy is doomed because it can not be sustained without the uterus closing .
17 The editor may not agree with sentiments in a " letter to the editor " : if sued for libel , does he lose the defence of " fair comment " because it can not be said that the opinion is honestly his ?
18 Surprisingly , scented lilies are not used to supply perfume because it can not be extracted from them successfully .
19 Attacking a Steam Tank is very difficult — not the least because it can not be brought to hand-to-hand combat but will always move off in its own turn .
20 But the difficulty with this discussion is that it lacks a firm point of reference because it can not be taken for granted that there should be two levels of offence , rape and procuring sex by threats .
21 On the other hand , it may be that this is wishful thinking and that , in practical terms , the award of damages for illegality is incompatible with the theory of judicial review because it can not be reconciled with the idea that the ultimate decision must usually be left to the public authority .
22 Unsettling , because it can not be tamed .
23 Methlan Park will be closed because it can not be adapted to meet standards required under the Community Care Act .
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