Example sentences of "because [pers pn] are [adj] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Destroy them and we will impoverish future generations simply because we are unable to live within our environmental means . ’
2 You might put it this way : We are human beings , not because we have souls but because we are able to conceive of the possibility that we might have souls .
3 As is so often the case , these gates have been made by someone who has obviously no experience of walking , because they are impossible to negotiate with a rucksack on , unless you climb onto the bottom bars of the fence around the gate to lift the sack above the top rail .
4 The Lilliputians , like us , have learnt bad ways — choosing officials because they are able to dance on a rope is just one example .
5 They are the seeds produced by the fern-like plants such as Mariopteris , but because they are difficult to link with their foliage they have been given separate names .
6 There is a danger that projects may be undertaken not because they are likely to lead to academically interesting results , but simply because they are susceptible to computerisation .
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