Example sentences of "one [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One must presently conclude that management does not view the current internal audit function as a significant service — thus , on occasions , questioning its very raison d'être .
2 One might also predict that context would be of most use to individuals who have acquired rapid word-recognition skills and who can integrate word meanings rapidly .
3 Without the information contained in the parish register , one might reasonably suppose that Joseph and Ann had three children , who were each to receive only a shilling unless Ann remarried , upon which occasion they would inherit the entire estate .
4 One might further say that Paul would surely want to be judged in terms of the highest that he knew .
5 One might therefore expect that Streicher 's checks would not work .
6 One could equally argue that imperative , strenuous movements are rarely dreamed — one tends to be an observer , paying little attention to how one gets about .
7 His office at the Caterham factory is covered with pictures of Seven racing cars — and one of Patrick McGoohan , whom he persuaded to endorse a special 35th anniversary Prisoner edition of the Seven this year ; his most animated conversation is reserved for descriptions of the car and its abilities , and one could almost believe that finances and company administration took a firm back seat to the development and fine tuning of the car 's design .
8 The gulls can see the help and benefit they receive from Iago 's service , but can not see , or conceive , that Iago could be benefiting himself at the same time ; and no one could possibly see that Iago is in fact benefiting himself by destroying them .
9 While no one could possibly argue that Benidorm is attractive , it is well-run and very popular .
10 After the minister 's almost tender observation that ‘ the process of forming a humanistic and harmonious world outlook was now upon us ’ , one could only gape as Reesa Greenberg , from Montreal 's Concordia University , delivered an astonishing plea , entirely in earnest , that museums engage a new art audience in shopping malls .
11 No one would ever suggest that President Tudjman should be awarded a Nobel prize for the tact and sensitivity with which he asserted Croatian independence .
12 One can reasonably say that Balboa 's triumph ultimately gave us San Diego and Los Angeles , Santa Barbara and Yerba Buena , San Ysidro and San Onofre , San Clemente and San Francisco .
13 One can also ask whether bureaucracies determine the behaviour of the men and women who take part in the process of decision or whether these human individuals determine , among other things , the behaviour of the bureaucracies to which they belong .
14 One can also add that St Paul , who plumbs the depths of desolation but also knows the heights of consolation and joy , provided Montini with a practical spirituality that kept him going throughout his long ‘ hidden life ’ in the Secretariat of State ( 1925–54 ) , his pastoral ministry in Milan ( 1955–63 ) and finally , his Petrine ministry .
15 So one can well imagine that Grimes blew into Sadler 's Wells like an Aldeburgh gale , changing the coastline , breaking down bridges , and generally modifying the landscape by its sheer force and energy .
16 One can only assume that Clinton means well .
17 One can only hope that policy-makers ( and knee-jerk media pundits ) will take to the trouble to read beyond the title .
18 One can only hope that Charles Titford had chosen a wife for her lasting qualities , and was not ‘ seduced and betrayed ’ by a daub of lipstick and a set of false teeth ; his marriage lasted — as , in a sense , marriages had to — and it bore fruit .
19 One can only hope that tournament organisers come to recognise this and ensure that each event is staffed by the requisite number of officials .
20 The sociologist would also suggest that these patterned regularities in social life mean that social behaviour is predictable , i.e. that one can safely say that individuals in similar social situations will behave similarly .
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