Example sentences of "one [modal v] [verb] that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One may presume that the standard of living of both these groups was above the national average , and that this could have given them better resistance to disease than their poorer neighbours .
2 This time one may suppose that the sequence is : 3 , 6 , 12 , 24 , … , ∞ .
3 One may conclude that the motive of the writer was to add to the growing fascist propaganda which appeared in the 1920s and 1930s .
4 As one performs ‘ Round and round the garden like a teddy bear ’ or ‘ To market , to market to buy a fat pig ’ for the hundredth time , one may conclude that the period of enjoyment is much longer for children than for adults .
5 One may claim that the confusion here results from the need for yet further distinctions : thus Lyons ( 1977a ) advocates distinctions between text-sentences and system-sentences , sentence-types and sentence-tokens , utterance-types and utterance-tokens , and utterance-acts and utterance-products .
6 It is clear that , if normativist style has its roots in conservatism and liberalism , similarly one may say that the functionalist style has a certain affinity with a political theory of socialism .
7 In Vietnam , other complaints centred on the lack of industrial development , the stranglehold of French companies and , especially , of the Banque de l'lndochine — a consortium of Paris banks which had a monopoly of banking services — but while one may say that the nature of colonial development or colonial repression in itself created the necessary conditions for revolution or national liberation , it is obviously time to consider how these , and other , factors influenced the forms of Vietnamese resistance .
8 In conclusion one may say that the magnate class , and particularly the military captains , were the main beneficiaries , but that the gains of war were often fortuitous and certainly unevenly spread .
9 Yet one may imagine that the dinner-party takes place in a large house , and that in another room the ladies are engaged in their own conversations .
10 From another angle , one may note that the receipt of publicity , as Florey knew well , is an astonishing waste of time which can be spent on more worthy scientific activities .
11 For example , one may suspect that the labour market is overheating , i.e. that X L > 0 , but without further quantitative information it is impossible to gauge the extent of the problem .
12 One may agree that the expression which Firth dismisses as nonsense has a curious ring to it but this seems to be due to the choice of lexis which results in a particularly inconsequential proposition which it is hard to imagine ever figuring in actual use .
13 Furthermore one may argue that the subordination of women in the church reflected the cultural conditioning of people in the first century .
14 ‘ No one should suppose that the Liberals would carry any more weight this time .
15 I accept your reasons for the visit and interview you afforded Lewis Group , but one must admit that the end result has been an indirect advertisement for the Lewis Group of companies which does not necessarily imply a ‘ consideration ’ for services rendered or anything similar .
16 Only three respondents expressed reservations about the nature of HMI support and one must suppose that the critiques of HMI practices in the formation of education opinion and the relevance of these criticisms to the concept of ‘ broad and balanced ’ are not widely known .
17 Indeed , one must infer that the policy was deliberately not expressed in the legislation because it appeared in express terms in other legislation relating to other transactions .
18 To understand why the trajectory is altered so greatly , one must understand that the aerodynamics of the golf ball 's flight are based on the dimples or depressions .
19 If I am not mistaken , Davis was fielding at the time of his injury , and while one must concede that the wearing of helmets by batsmen , though hideous , is permissible , their use in the field is surely unacceptable and should be banned .
20 When selling services to the business person one must remember that the circumstances and their needs will differ :
21 However , one must remember that the number of plants reputed to relieve one condition or another is enormous , and that most of them have not stood up to critical investigation .
22 One might suggest that the support service which the team gives to families has been developed largely because it was an " unclaimed " service area , as it were .
23 One might suggest that the vibrancy in the Philippine health movement is a measure of the critical nature of the struggle but I could argue that it is a product of the manner in which the struggle is being waged .
24 Done in the Jamesian manner , Jim would doubtless find himself credited with psychological subtleties and complexities of which he is quite unaware ; but still one might hope that the writer would succeed in suggesting the highly distinctive flavour of his talk , his inimitable way of retailing a diverting anecdote leisurely and with a modicum of circumlocution , from which in due time the point of the story is sure to emerge .
25 The McCormick organisation has not been slow to seize on this fact and in future one might suppose that the Hierarchy will have learned from this .
26 Such spectacular animals have obviously attracted much attention , and one might suppose that the problem of how they lived would have been satisfactorily solved long ago .
27 All the long survivors show every sign of flourishing today : one might suppose that the tortoise will continue its lumbering progress no matter what catastrophes may come to pass in the future .
28 Although one might suppose that the creation of a new party offers attractive opportunities for people previously excluded from local élites to establish themselves as leaders , it is often the case that such people do not obviously possess the right qualities .
29 Again , one might assume that the change of position occurred without any feelings of attitude-change or dissonance .
30 Thus one might think that the possibility of spontaneous proton decay could not be tested experimentally .
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