Example sentences of "one [conj] [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was these latter findings , plus the conclusions of the exploratory study given in Part A of this report , that persuaded me to attempt a more wide-ranging review of published literature than one that just focussed on the literature of environmental scanning .
2 It could be argued that the best way of dealing with attempted suicide would be to prevent its occurrence in the first place ; but this is not an easy task , and one that often extends beyond the reach of the clinician .
3 As Richard Baxter wrote in 1681 , ‘ Herbert speaks to God like one that really believeth in a God , and whose business in the world is most with God .
4 But modern boxing has a more sensitive audience , one that never goes to the arena but watches at home on the television .
5 The tramp clown is the one that usually appears in a circus with baggy trousers and overlarge shoes .
6 And if Germany is destined to become one and inevitably rise to a position of leadership in Europe , let us seriously consider the sceptics ' view that it should at least not happen in our generation .
7 LeCoz noted that ‘ museums everywhere , even one as well known as the Orsay , are always in need of financing for their projects . ’
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