Example sentences of "one [verb] that the [noun] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 No one doubts that the move will have significant lasting effects on the world of Unix and its relations .
2 One agreed that the community would miss the school if it were closed , but referred to strong educational arguments for sending the children to a two-teacher school .
3 ‘ When we entered into a sponsorship agreement with the Rugby World Cup Limited , no one believed that the event would be such an outstanding success .
4 Nevertheless , the great potential significance of these results makes one hope that the authors will soon provide the types of data , such as H 2 O analyses and O isotope analyses of phenocrysts , that could completely rule out assimilation and weathering .
5 A few borings indicating greater thicknesses might be explained away as going diagonally through detritus on the outer flank of the reef , but there are now too many for one to conclude that the results can be explained in this way .
6 Although many are taking the decade seriously ( Africa is doubling its spending ) no one pretends that the world will reach its target .
7 ‘ In these circumstances there is not much encouragement to lead one to believe that the team can re-assert their League claims very strongly , ’ commented the Examiner .
8 One suspects that the solution will ultimately rest on political rather than economic considerations .
9 The willingness of AIS to listen to Skymaster users about the direction of the service is welcome , and one hopes that the customers will take up the challenge .
10 Once workers have installed Britain 's new cable , no one expects that the country will want to replace it — at least not for a long time .
11 In one of its more far-sighted moves , the SRU had a pool of four coaches in the build-up to the 1991 World Cup , and one trusts that the union will work along the same lines this time .
12 When one looks more closely at the individual creation myths one recognizes that the work will involve more than simple description of the myths themselves ; it will be necessary to go into the societies from which they sprang in at least sufficient detail for the myths to be appreciated in context .
13 If one believes that the universe will expand and then contract again , as the no boundary proposal seems to imply , this becomes a question of why we should be in the expanding phase rather than the contracting phase .
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