Example sentences of "such [noun pl] [vb mod] [vb infin] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such reasons might include a governing body disregarding LEA advice that dismissal would be likely to be found unfair before an industrial tribunal : or a governing body determining payments to departing members of staff which were in excess of the LEA 's own practice .
2 They are all legal rules and concepts because such rules must have a given meaning which is established by the courts .
3 Several share KPMG 's view that ‘ the responsibility paragraphs more logically belong outside the report ’ and that ‘ if an uncertainty is properly disclosed in the accounts , such accounts can present a true and fair view without the auditors having to refer to it … a set of accounts should be complete in itself , without having to read the audit opinion ’ .
4 Clearly , whilst such groups may fulfil a valuable and useful social purpose , they could offer much more .
5 Following the success of the first Alumni Teachers ' Meeting at the University 's Schools ' Open Day , it is intended that such meetings will become a regular event .
6 The letting and operation of such contracts could have a profound effect on health care planning .
7 Once humanity can formulate for itself a truly superstition-free religion , such activities would die a natural death , as for example , has the burning of ‘ witches ’ , although even this hideous ritual would be not entirely free from revival if a godless , religious vacuum were allowed to form .
8 One could anticipate far more poisons being put down , and such activities must have a detrimental effect on the environment .
9 The landing of one blow from such ham-fists would mean a smashed face .
10 If there is a market in index futures , such traders can take a short position by selling futures , thereby impounding their information about bad news into the futures price .
11 Such characteristics could have a corrosive and debilitating effect on the entire staff of a school to the obvious detriment of children as well as teachers .
12 That agriculture has to be shown to be necessary for the viability of Article 3(5) areas is stated in the House of Commons ' Agriculture Committee 's 1982 Report which also states that such areas must have a low or declining population , the exact opposite of the view given by MAFF ) .
13 Such communities may tolerate a wide range of different forms to express the same item .
14 The first was the view that such workers would make a positive contribution to the national economy and directly ease the labour shortage .
15 It seems unlikely that such reductions could make a significant impact on either the number or severity of accidents .
16 Such deductibles would create a self-regulating system that brings free-market forces into play , while preserving patients ' freedom of choice of physicians and hospitals .
17 Unfortunately such questions may give a negative impression of your priorities .
18 With South Africa moving away from apartheid , such firms will face a hostile environment in which to make their case .
19 Such changes would involve a major upheaval within the Palestinian movement .
20 One of my civil servants solemnly objected , arguing that such advertisements could present a potential safety risk .
21 Such cats can become a real problem if their rigid daily routine is upset — say by the death of an elderly owner .
22 Councillors and officials will demand that such ships should have a mandatory duty to contact the Orkney Harbour 's Department and that the Government should pay for a tug to escort them through the Pentland Firth .
23 While one school of economists , broadly on the Left , see a way forward toward economic stability and growth in employment through protection against imports , doubts are increasingly raised about how such measures can counter a developing trend towards lower job opportunities .
24 I shall argue that such beings would have a psychological arrow of time that was backward .
25 Such purchases will require a 10 per cent deposit .
26 ( Such specialists will have a greater degree of experience , and have completed additional education and training ; their qualifications may be disease linked , i.e. diabetic liaison , stoma care , or may represent specialist knowledge in nursing intervention or in health promotion .
27 Therefore , such systems can make a significant contribution to maintenance tradeforce flexibility and job satisfaction .
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