Example sentences of "look [prep] if it [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It was dark with age and looked as if it had been coated with treacle .
2 The corpse looked as if it had been attacked by dagger-billed birds .
3 The furniture , too , looked as if it had been gradually acquired over the years ; gifts , rejects , the unregarded remnants of long-forgotten jumble sales .
4 The house in California — it was in the Bel Air district of Los Angeles , I think — looked as if it had been flung by a giant hand against the side of a hill and had stuck .
5 His face had gone very red and looked as if it had been sprayed with water .
6 The gallery itself looked as if it had been carved by some giant sculptor , minute details in the stonework wrought by caring as well as skilful hands .
7 The room looked as if it had been torn apart .
8 Young lads gather round the car which looks as if it had been dead for days or weeks .
9 A number of issues are raised in the paper , but one of the companies which has been at the receiving end and has been canvassed for views , says : ‘ Part of the document looks as if it has been drafted by British Gas . ’
10 Menlo Park California-based Network General Corp is offering another system for its Sniffer Network Analyser : a new version will run on the Toshiba Corp T6400/DX2 colour portable running at 50MHz ; currently the new implementation supports only Ethernet , but Token Ring support is promised for the second quarter ; the move looks as if it has been caused by the chronic shortage of the Compaq Computer Corp machines that form the basis for the existing Sniffer systems .
11 Inside , it looks as if it 's been used for tank practice .
12 ‘ It looks as if it 's been made out of a tree and it feels lovely .
13 Look — ’ he held aloft his battered , ink-bespattered copy — ‘ this one looks as if it 's been in use since the Boer War . ’
14 And as demand for their meat grows , the breed looks as if it 's been saved by its bacon .
15 And I , I ran there and ran back to continue my game , at play like and I heard a , mo , her say to mother well I like your lad to go says th look at this cheese it 's never been unwrapped he said those other lads he says it 's always looks as if it 's been unwrapped and
16 He removed the stereo from his brother 's car , to make it look as if it had been stolen , before pushing it into a water-filled quarry .
17 The window did n't look as if it had been cleaned on the outside in years , and there were splashes of pigeon droppings on the sill .
18 So once you get towards , take a clock in , make sure you pace yourself , and say at the end of that just put in a sort of sentence to make it look as if it 's been finished off Erm , what I usually do when I do an exam is I spend the first five minutes actually looking at the questions because initially you look for the ones that you 've revised and you see but there may be others there , there 're you can do in a slightly different way than the way that they first appear and that might help you quite a bit , although there are no trick questions in this .
19 well said it does n't look as if it 's been painted once since it was built !
20 Painful reform will look as if it has been wasted , firms will go bust , unemployment will rise , people will demand populist cure-alls .
21 And not expecting everything to look as if it 's been lifted straight from the page of a glossy foodie magazine . ’
22 Her hair , which looked as if it had been inexpertly permed , was pulled back at the sides but frizzed over the high forehead in the poodle-like fashion of an Edwardian .
23 The other day I came to work wearing a rather sharp tie and somebody said it looked as if it had been designed by somebody with ‘ special needs ’ .
24 He was a stocky fifty-eight-year-old with grey hair and a small goatee beard which looked as if it had been stuck on to his chin with glue .
25 A flower-print dress was draped across the back of the chair , and there was a brown battered suitcase on the floor at her feet , which looked as if it had been pulled out from beneath the bed .
26 But it was , in fact , a bundle of dark clothing that looked as if it had been hurled against the far wall of the darkened yard .
27 The st'lyan 's mane was so white it looked as if it had been bleached .
28 The-middle one looked as if it had been shot and was going into its final dive .
29 The ashtray was empty , and it looked as if it had been washed .
30 She was wearing a tight sort of dress in shiny , slippery silk , which looked as if it had been painted on to her body .
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