Example sentences of "should have [noun sg] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the second post , applicants should have experience in measure-valued diffusions and the coalescent approach to genetics .
2 Given the existence of a European community , there is no good reason , in equity or commonsense , why a fisherman from Fleetwood or Grimsby should have precedence in Hebridean waters over a fisherman from Hamburg or Brest .
3 Like when there considering how there gon na spend there money every year , they should have reference to this policy cos general Council policy like , how can I spend my money to redistribute resor resources , so that we can provide more for people who are in need , so it is n't just about projects , it 's about a policy and we develop those kind of things , we 've already talked about the Unit Policy and we developed that .
4 I should have water for some hours yet , but I did n't know how long I 'd be ashore , and as the shingle here seemed fairly hard I reckoned I could get the rubber dinghy to the water even at low tide .
5 The Allaire report proposed that the province should have autonomy in 22 areas currently controlled wholly or partially by the federal government in Ottawa , and that federal government should be responsible only for defence , foreign policy , customs and some fiscal matters .
6 It was in response to this that the Scott Committee on Land Utilization in Rural Areas urged that agricultural use should have priority in any conflicts over rural land use .
7 And indeed B P G twelve , under the heading of environmental considerations says that a a authorities should have regard to environmental considerations , but recommend an environmental appraisal identifying , quantifying , weighing up and reporting on the environmental and other cost benefits of the measures which are proposed .
8 Clem Attlee nationalised the Bank of England because he did not think that we should have rule by central bankers .
9 In deciding whether to order disclosure a court must consider whether this outweighs the competing public interest that a party to proceedings should have access to relevant information in order to obtain legal redress .
10 The argument here is not that all children should have access to all aspects of the curriculum .
11 In any forthcoming election for a constituent assembly , all parties should have access to all parts of South Africa , including the ten ‘ homelands ’ , without intimidation .
12 Nevertheless , Noriega 's attorneys had previously won a significant victory : on Aug. 8 presiding US District Court judge William Hoeveler ruled against the Justice and State departments and the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) that the defence should have access to classified government documents concerning the relationship between US intelligence agencies and the accused .
13 Under this Treaty , if a service is legally available in one or more EEC countries , then all EEC citizens should have access to this service , and therefore to all relevant information .
14 A large-scale organisation should have access to sufficient resources to command a significant market share .
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