Example sentences of "should not [be] [verb] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 It thus seems significant that there appears to have been a rumour that Edmund was in some way responsible for the death of Cnut 's father , after issuing a vain warning that tribute should not be levied from his church 's lands .
2 He said that Pennethorne could not claim ‘ as of right , employment as the architect of the New Public Offices ’ but he should not be deprived of his surveying work .
3 The gingerbread should not be robbed of its gilt and yet this is what happens whenever hot news about impending changes turns into the cold gruel of daily management .
4 If Labour councils had listened to the advice of the Audit Commission , if historically they had collected rents , rates and the community charge , we should not be faced with our present difficulties over local government finance .
5 Publishing the prices once the sales are completed also raises problems of commercial confidentiality because the companies involved may be concerned that the price they paid for a business should not be revealed to their competitors .
6 Children like to make models or collage pictures of their home , and the enjoyment of the activity should not be lost to our concern for form and detail .
7 Mutiny by the men , and what could a Petty Officer do if the Ministry in Moscow determined that the sailors of the Storozhevoy should not be freed from their conscripted service after four years at sea , that they should serve another year , what could a Petty Officer to ?
8 Yet a year earlier the Court of Appeal decided that a different girl of ten should not be adopted by her foster parents to whom she was attached because of her birth mother 's objections that adoption would result in the loss of contact between brother and sister ( The Times , 19 February 1987 , p. 3 ) .
9 One example of such confusion is the doctrine of diminished responsibility : the idea that persons should not be punished for their actions because they were under stress .
10 There is no legal obligation for adults to have an HIV test and you should not be tested without your consent , except in cases of extreme medical emergency .
11 Ali wanted us to meet here , ’ he said to Owen , ‘ so that we should not be seen by his little friends . ’
12 He decided , however , that Maidstone should not be told of his reason for being in Naples — not yet , anyway .
13 With patient system , her daughters helped the men to food , sliced the big loaf for them , arranged the shining vegetables and heaped bowls of glazed yellow and green earthenware , steaming and fragrant ; and then removed the dishes , stacking them quietly so that the men should not be interrupted in their flow .
14 But although Harold Wilson was in artistic matters a Philistine , he was better than the later Philistines , since he recognised that the ambit of British culture should not be controlled by his own personal predilections , and he responded with speed and generosity to applications from Jennie Lee for better support for the arts .
15 Queen Victoria had the curtains of her train window drawn when she passed through the region so that her eyes should not be offended by its ugliness and squalor .
16 Gradually the short hops became longer hops , and it was evident that there was no reason why this aircraft should not be taken into her natural environment .
17 Others have criticised such a view on the grounds that it introduces an undesirable ambiguity into the concept of existence , and have argued that propositions of this kind should not be taken at their face value but should be paraphrased in such a way as to prevent spurious names from usurping the role of subjects .
18 It may be that some hereditary peers are well worth a place , but it is also true that some who are not hereditary peers are equally deserving and it is hard to argue that they should not be considered on their merits on the same basis , with life peerages being conferred on those most suitable .
19 Alternatively , an unwilling respondent may claim that the dispute is wider than that presented to the forum , in that third parties are involved , and that the claim should not be considered in their absence .
20 Risking one 's own life on the crag is fine , but risking other people 's lives by brainless , Al Harris-type macho driving , should not be celebrated in your magazine .
21 The relevant question is therefore : is there any indication in the subject matter and statutory purpose of the provisions concerning administrative receivers generally , or in the Act of 1986 considered as a whole , from which it appears that Parliament intended that the word ‘ company ’ in the context of section 29(2) ( a ) of that Act should not be confined to its prima facie meaning of a company formed and registered under the Companies Acts , but should also embrace unregistered companies liable to be wound up under Part V of the Act of 1986 ?
22 Future disbursements that you must take into account ( although they should not be put onto your bill ) will include stamp duty and a land registration fee .
23 We agreed that the piano should not be put in our part of the attic .
24 The survey also revealed that people do not trust the advertising industry to regulate itself : 56% think it should not be left to its own devices and 66% believe that the Government should monitor advertising .
25 She was looking a bit unwell actually she should n't be driving in her condition !
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