Example sentences of "way in [pron] [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The pronounced physical differences between them result only from the contrasted ways in which they are erupted .
2 My present concern , however , is with the contribution of metaphor and simile to the meaning of the novel , and specifically with the ways in which they are deployed to reflect the developing linguistic and intellectual abilities of the characters .
3 Thirdly , Lyons points out that if one thinks of anaphora as reference to entities already established in the domain of discourse , then the ways in which they are referred to in anaphoric reference commonly make use of the order in which they were introduced by the discourse itself .
4 The theme of the 1991 JFIT Conference is ‘ steering research towards user requirements ’ and the main aim of the Conference will be to discuss the objectives of the programmes funded under JFIT and assess the ways in which they are meeting the requirements of the users .
5 Questions about the size of the elite , the degree of concentration of social power in their hands , and about the ways in which they are recruited seem more salient and contentious .
6 Natural languages , after all , just do have indexicals , and it is the task of linguistic analysis to model these directly in order to capture the ways in which they are used .
7 Their visibility or otherwise , the ways in which they are coded , policed , censored , constructed , praised or punished , the ways in which and levels at which they are represented as engaging with the viewer , and the contexts in which women 's bodies are placed in images and how images of women 's bodies are then distributed and consumed — all this adds up to a subtle politics of the representation of women 's bodies .
8 But none of these principles could have been exploited or pursued in the ways in which they were had there not been tacit approval and support on the part of the state .
9 The diplomats of 1919 , many of the methods they used and the ways in which they were instructed and controlled , even many of the policies they attempted to carry out , would have been clearly recognisable to their predecessors in the age of Metternich or even of Louis XIV .
10 The growing professionalism of both diplomats and foreign office officials during this period is seen most clearly in changes in the ways in which they were recruited .
11 This same observation can be applied to other ways in which we are describing ourselves .
12 There are so many ways in which we are conditioned by people or events that impinged on our early lives .
13 But it 's also erm about discovering the completeness of the ministry of the people of God as we enter through the various commitments that we have to our sister churches in Wales and in Britain and in the world , whether it 's routine or a particular relationship of members or All that 's part of the context of the ways in which we 're talking about and sharing with each other with God .
14 This , everyone had agreed two years back , was because women were so used to being in groups dominated by a minority of articulate men ( all groups — social , work , political ) that it was important they ( we ) should be able to discover and articulate our own understanding of all the minute day-by-day ways in which we were oppressed , and relate these to a developing understanding of the ways women were oppressed in society generally .
15 Similarly a blind social worker commented : ‘ I 'm able to say to my clients , ‘ I 'll help you , but there are certain ways in which you are going to have to help me ’ , and the client does n't feel totally taken over or totally worthless . ’
16 The structure of this argument is important because we find it repeated when we look at the traditional ways in which it is sought to legitimate private power .
17 Sometimes this affects the production of the music ; in any case , it always affects the ways in which it is received .
18 Outline four ways in which Venus is known to resemble the Earth , and four ways in which it is known to be strikingly different .
19 This chapter is not a systematic analysis of the areas of women 's invisibility in sociology ; rather , it is an attempt to suggest some of the areas and ways in which it is manifested , some of the reasons why it occurs , and why , from the point of view of sociology ( and women ) it matters .
20 ( iii ) Pupils should consider not only the extent to which English has changed since Shakespeare 's day but also some of the ways in which it is changing now .
21 Think of ways in which it is used , in conjunction with another word or words .
22 In this view , the social scientist produces neutral science and takes no responsibility for the ways in which it is used .
23 As the ways in which pop was written about swayed and shifted in the winds of hand-me-down art school theory , the ways in which it was produced seemed more and more familiar .
24 The second commendation came from the site agent at the PSA who was particularly impressed with the organisation of the work and the way in which everything was cleared up afterwards .
25 And er this young lady , Clare 's terribly interested in the way in which we 're using our language today , so er I hope that does n't inhibit you .
26 So all I 'm saying is , if we 're not achieving that we need to go back and look at the way in which we 're operating the fax service , have a chat with erm Phil 's people or Jackie 's peo see if there 's any differences that we can take advantage of .
27 er er the the sort of way in which we 're going to recover the
28 Knowing where we are in terms of the way in which we are tricked into having bad .
29 Knowing where we are in the way in which we are tricked into believing that erm our churches now are weaker than when they were founded and probably most of you , many of you have heard my children 's prayer .
30 The white paper that was published some months ago indicates I think , very clearly , the kind of commitments that we have and the way in which we are meeting those commitments .
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