Example sentences of "may [be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Stylometric studies may be undertaken for many different reasons .
2 It is worth noting that imaginative use of unsophisticated technology ( as discussed in Chapter 7 ) can aid this part of an investigation , enabling a large volume of activities that may be undertaken by specified functional groups to be readily summarised .
3 There will be some disruption to traffic while the work is in progress and British Gas South Western apologises for any inconvenience which may be caused by this essential work .
4 In selecting a new class of options the clearing house attempts to ensure that at all times contracts may be exercised without any undue influence on the share market itself .
5 The overall dependency ratio may be subdivided into two constituent elements ; the elderly dependency ratio , known in the USA as the ‘ gerontic ’ dependency ratio , and the youth dependency , or ‘ neontic ’ , ratio .
6 In the case where members of such type of partnership are solely and exclusively active and/ or retired employees of a corporation , the corporation may guarantee the liabilities of it and the partnership may be formed without any financial contribution by its members , and the members ' liabilities are limited to their financial contribution ( if any ) plus their gross income during the calendar year in which the liability came into being .
7 one letter introducing the firm and its services may be sent to other professional advisers .
8 This may be achieved through better driving habits , improved traffic flow systems and road networks and car pooling .
9 If there is confusion between goals and methods , explain that any one goal may be achieved through several different methods .
10 Any given process ( behaviour ) may be achieved by many different configurations of many different elements .
11 Whatever the future of the Maastricht Treaty itself , it may be suggested that certain of its aims may be achieved by other legal means , or by extra-Community arrangements between certain Member States .
12 Large nodules may be detected by lateral thoracic radiography .
13 Recent reports suggesting that 70–80% of severe congenital abnormalities may be detected by routine fetal anomaly scanning by trained non-medical operators with modern equipment would considerably increase the proportion of preventable congenital abnormalities .
14 In the patient example , the fact that the person occurrence is female is important , so important that the patient entity may be split into two separate entities — male patients and female patients .
15 The restrictors fitted to the Stage One V8 are easily removed by removing the carbs and pulling the restrictor from the manifold They are in fact aluminium discs with three holes about ⅜″. diameter in each one and are held in by an expanding steel clip Select a suitable diameter tap and tap a thread with a smear of grease on the top to collect swarf , fit a long bolt and lever out with a pry bar Extremely obstinate ones may be split into three large bits with a small chisel and pulled out Clean the debris out with a vacuum cleaner A piece of l/2″ hose taped onto the suction pipe will reach most places in the manifold .
16 Pensions may be received from two main sources : the state and previous employers .
17 The precise characterisation of this agent awaits further study but it is clear that most patients with NSAID enteropathy have normal 1 4 C glyocholate breath tests , urinary indicans , and vitamin B 1 2 absorption , all of which may be affected in non-specific intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndromes .
18 Equally , bargaining may be affected by internal political change .
19 Epidemiological studies have implicated dietary fat of animal origin as an important aetiological factor in the development of colorectal cancer which may be related to altered faecal bile acids .
20 The work of Douglas and Isherwood may be related to that Durkheimian pre-structuralist tradition which sees objects as aiding in the creation of a cognitive order based upon social divisions .
21 Such precise understanding of their needs , expressed by many women , may be related to earlier good experiences of being comforted by their own mothers .
22 The widespread regression at the end of Cretaceous times may be related to three major plate phenomena : the Laramide orogeny along the western edge of the American plate , the opening of the northern part of the North Atlantic and the further grinding together of the African and Eurasian plates to produce the early Tertiary Pyrenean folding of Cantabria , the Pyrenees and Provence in south-west Europe .
23 In these nutrient-poor waters , the fishes may be reliant on such vegetable input and , in turn , the homogeneity of the inundated forest of Amazonia may be related to this fishy connection .
24 Difference in outcome may be related to different social profiles .
25 Reviewing the latest research on the greenhouse effect , the science working group of the UN Intergovernmental Committee on Climate Change ( IPCC ) has declared itself more certain than ever that global warming is under way — but agreed that its full impact may be delayed by other human factors , including a limited cooling effect produced by sulphur pollution and ozone depletion .
26 Pepper v. Hart ( i ) admits statements by a minister or other promoter of a Bill , where the resultant statute is ambiguous , obscure or leads to an absurdity ; however , ( ii ) the statements must be ‘ clear ’ and ( iii ) may be supported by other parliamentary material ‘ as is necessary to understand such statements ’ .
27 Using the church spire as a pointer , the GC may be discerned in this aerial view of the Horns Bridge area sometime in the 1930's .
28 Although cerebral organisation in adolescence may be characterised by greater functional plasticity than is the case among adults , the picture after left hemispherectomy is essentially one of gross linguistic impoverishment in which comprehension is better preserved than expressive speech .
29 Compaq Computer Corp says it expects its move into direct sales to generate up to 10% of its US revenues this year , and may be expanded to some foreign markets later this year : total US sales amounted to about $1,700m in 1992 , Compaq said .
30 Except that trusts of land must be created by writing , a trust may be created by any sufficient expression of intention to create it , whether the legal ownership is transferred to another to hold as trustee or remains with the creator of the trust , who in that case will himself be the trustee .
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