Example sentences of "may [adv] have [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We may already have built a rewarding business relationship together and feel that by offering you the shell Account Card this will help to consolidate it .
2 At this juncture you may just have noticed a slight differential in pace between the ‘ amateurs ’ in this democracy game , and the alleged professionals .
3 … and since this is the nature page , readers may just have noticed a Conservative Party pre-election poster featuring a giant , savings-sucking mosquito .
4 Previous generations may also have felt a passing pang of regret as they allowed the younger generation to take their place , but they were not subjected to the pressure to stay young which affects men and women of forty or fifty today .
5 The unanimous condemnation of marriage as a trade by the feminist movement may also have made a significant contribution to the new emphasis on marriage as a partnership .
6 In addition , the economies of Holland and the Scandinavian countries are especially sensitive to international trade influences , which may also have encouraged a broad approach to wage determination .
7 These plants probably had high levels of insoluble carbohydrates in their cell walls , principally cellulose , and may also have produced a wide variety of toxic plant secondary compounds .
8 Sometimes a tool was ground after a breakage or similar accident , and the resulting shape would allow a usage not previously possible , and may even have become a treasured ‘ special ’ .
9 In both cases , their separate experience may well have created a special atmosphere , although my informants all stressed that they got on perfectly well with the men at work .
10 King Alfred 's successes may well have owed a great deal to his predecessors , but in the construction of his network of defensive fortresses we see an ability to command similar to Offa 's , and perpetuated by his son Edward the Elder and grandson Æthelstan , who conquered all England for the West Saxon dynasty .
11 The individual teacher may well have made a significant development in his or her own understanding , but that is not a sufficient condition of securing publication ( thesis three ) .
12 The increase in this woodland may well have had a beneficial effect on the Woodcock and has provided the increasing breeding Redpoll population with an abundance of habitat .
13 Nonetheless , he may well have had a guilty conscience : he certainly tried to use his influence to poison Mozart 's career , out of sheer jealousy at the younger man 's superior talents ; but he does not seem to have been directly involved in his death .
14 The flock are unlikely to have been as completely innocent as the latter suggests , and their guilt may well have had a secular aspect , for it might be doubted whether Cnut would have become involved with spiritual shortcomings .
15 Like Julian , perhaps , Teresa also had an illness that may well have had a psychological aspect and which brought her to the brink of death ; her autobiography and spiritual writings show how she brought herself a physical and spiritual healing .
16 What I have presented as analysis of current movements may well have acquired a historical flavour by the time these words are read .
17 Fergie may well have bought a cut diamond at cut price but how he fits in remains a poser .
18 To Henry it may well have seemed a sensible way of killing two birds with one stone — chastising rebels and at the same time providing his warlike second son with useful experience .
19 A second recognised that she may actually have chosen a philandering partner because she 's frightened of lifetime exclusivity herself .
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