Example sentences of "also be [vb pp] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , this event was the first of several that has enabled Keith to use his knowledge of Russian as he has also been asked to write a short speech for a Coopers and Lybrand partner in Sheffield and subsequently coach him with his delivery skills .
2 Intermedia have also been appointed to handle a year-long publicity programme for Farnham Museum , covering renovation work and the relaunch of the museum in the autumn .
3 In modern China an attempt has also been made to create a national art , in this instance by partly discrediting tradition .
4 Tax and bill collectors faced more practical confusion , not only with a ‘ re-timed ’ calendar but because it had also been decided to start the legal year on January 1 instead of March 25 , which had been New Year 's Day since the twelfth century .
5 An extra-statutory concession has also been published to give a similar relief to insurance companies for contributions paid under a levy imposed by The Lautro ( Compensation Schemes ) No 2 Rules 1991 .
6 The company has also been commissioned to undertake the first quadrennial inspection of HM Customs and Excise 's portfolio of historic buildings both in Scotland and the north of England .
7 The architect is Takahiko Yanagisawa , who has built museums and cultural buildings in the centre of Tokyo he has also been commissioned to build the New Metropolitan Museum in Tokyo , which will be the largest museum in Japan .
8 The offensive had also been designed to influence the current round of peace talks between the government and the FMLN which took place in the Mexican city of Queratato on July 9-11 .
9 She continues to suffer from episcleritis and has also been found to have an ovarian cyst , but there is no clinical , radiological , or laboratory evidence of active Crohn 's disease .
10 The incremental approach has also been known to produce an impressive degree of evolution within a given generation , with each system pushed over time to its workable limits .
11 For a similar reason he has also been forced to cancel the long-cherished project of staging the British première of the Bernd Alois Zimmermann 's epic Die Soldaten — a production which would have focused international attention on Opera North at a point when it is clearly ready for such exposure .
12 Gut epithelial cells , however , have also been shown to play an active role in normal and inflamed intestine : epthelial cells probably interact closely with the underlying immune cells by displaying a unique antigen presenting activity .
13 Calmodulin affinity chromatography has also been used to purify a related 63K/240K channel complex from pig and rat ROS membranes .
14 The same symbols can also be made to follow the concurrent behaviour of members of a team ( Chapanis , 1959 ) .
15 Well presented notices , labels and children 's own work should also be displayed to stress the communicative character of the written word .
16 A wider survey of other authorities will also be undertaken to provide a comprehensive analysis of the pattern of changes within UK authorities as a whole .
17 Car and scooter hire can also be arranged to visit the magnificent white sand beaches of the west coast , and local water ski-ing is usually possible in the high season .
18 In a sense the abolition of the GLC and the metropolitan counties and the successful implementation of the ‘ rate-capping ’ legislation , while presented as examples of centralization , can also be seen to confirm the relative weakness of local governments .
19 They should also be asked to adopt a standard form of accounting — Head Office should send a basic standard format to be followed .
20 If shares are being issued and listing particulars or a prospectus are required , reporting accountants may also be asked to provide a private comfort letter on the statement made by the directors as to the adequacy of working capital even if the transaction does not require formal comfort to be given .
21 ‘ I assure you that we will add to your distress as little as possible , but we shall be here from time to time and you will also be asked to make a formal statement . ’
22 Primitive streak stage embryos can also be manipulated using a dissecting microscope but the lower resolution makes such manipulations less precise .
23 Lattice enthalpies can also be calculated using a theoretical model .
24 A non-assertive quality can also be perceived to underlie the following use , which Jacobsson , strangely enough , feels to be a " separate category " — what he calls the " marginal use of auxiliary need in conditional clauses " ( p. 62 , fn 17 ) : ( 24 ) If you need borrow money at all , borrow as little as possible .
25 Further evidence of the borrower 's management ability , integrity and character will also be sought to conclude the wide scope of lending analysis .
26 But it can also be held to mean no more than it creates a presumption that , if there is a conflict between community and domestic law , any ambiguity in that domestic law will be resolved to give effect to our community obligations .
27 The lecturer will also be expected to play a leading part in the development of the newly formed ‘ Institute of Optical Engineering ’ on campus .
28 He can also be expected to make the most of whatever face-savers the mediators feel they can offer him .
29 Volunteers working on this and future projects will also be required to wear the appropriate safety gear .
30 The vendor will also be required to answer a detailed questionnaire covering not only the vendor 's knowledge of claims under the warranties but also explaining the nature of the transaction , the sale price and the basis on which the sale price has been calculated .
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