Example sentences of "people who have [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It shares this reputation with countries that were once British colonies and which massacred native peoples who had lived in harmony with nature : Canada , the US , Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand .
2 The police would not necessarily assume that the bones in the graveyard were of people who had lived at Wyvis Hall , nor that those who had brought about their deaths had lived there .
3 Moreover , people who had migrated to towns would be allowed to return to the countryside and receive plots upon joining co-operatives , while local residents who were not farmers would be allowed plots of 2,500 square metres provided that they paid a tax and undertook to put the land to cultivation .
4 Of those people who had volunteered for redundancy , 49 per cent .
5 They were a mix of people who had taken on board the new concern about the environment — from middle class professionals to peace activists to students to local residents .
6 The panellists were selected from a group of 111 people who had responded to newspaper advertisements .
7 It had previously been estimated that the programme would allow 100,000-170,000 people who had arrived in Spain before May 15 , 1991 , to regularize their status .
8 And of course the authority was glad to get shot of them , and then the tramps , they used to go round the country , and they used to walk from one village to another and mainly , people who had arrived in Ipswich casual ward , had previously been the night at Stowmarket .
9 The co-ordinator told me that many people who had come to therapy groups for anxieties or depressions were now volunteer workers .
10 On March 6 , in a GPC debate broadcast by Libyan television , Kadhafi heard from a delegate who claimed that Libya faced a great problem because of the large number of people who had switched from production to retailing , alleging that prices had risen four- or five-fold " and everyone is complaining " .
11 Gluckman said that he had performed more than 200 post-mortems on black people who had died in detention , and he was convinced that 90 per cent of these people were killed by the police .
12 Of the three people who had died in Bedford Infirmary :
13 As there was little or no advance warning , those people who had paid for entertainment until 2am understandably felt short-changed .
14 The package cost $5,100 million , to be financed by compensatory revenues of $2,600 million gained from closing a loophole for wealthy taxpayers who make quarterly income tax payments , $880 million from maintaining the unemployment tax at 0.08 per cent ( instead of allowing the scheduled drop to 0.06 percent ) , and $1,700 million from allowing the Internal Revenue Service to continue to withold tax refunds from people who had defaulted on student loans .
15 The official news agency Tanjug reported on Aug. 13 that nearly 90,000 people had left their homes in Croatia since the start of the clashes , quoting Red Cross figures of 48,161 Serbs who had fled to Serbia and 30,651 Croatians to Croatia plus some 10,000 people who had fled to Bosnia .
16 And people who had bought their most recent non-routine purchase on credit — especially on HP or mail order — tended to worry more about money than people who had bought for cash .
17 ‘ What angers me about the system goes beyond the unreliability of ‘ proof ’ … it 's that the way criminals are dealt with has nothing to do with rehabilitation and readjusting people who 've stepped outside society 's norms .
18 We need to move somewhat quickly , and I am reminded that , I did see Caroline come in , but we have two people who 've come in connection with item fifteen , Community Concerns in East Oxford , are you agreed that we take that now , so that they can
19 She 'll also meet relatives of people who 've died from Aids , including this mother who wrote to the group .
20 ‘ Mr Jones , I 'm honoured that you should choose me , but I do feel there are others far more suited to take on the responsibility , people who 've worked in radio far longer than I have . ’
21 I mean not many people who 'd clashed with mrs thatcher did survive .
22 The list of people who have profited from crime and murder through book or film rights is growing almost daily to the consternation of victim support groups and grieving relatives .
23 To begin with , people who have suffered from schizophrenia are readily identifiable , and it may well at times be possible to make the lives of this high-risk group less eventful .
24 Of the vast number of Ayrshire people who have emigrated to Canada , the man who was most successful financially was Robert Dunsmuir ( 1825–89 ) who went from Hurlford to Vancouver Island and amassed a fortune from coal mining and other businesses ( See Chapter 31 ) but the man who did most towards the advancement of the new country was John Galt ( See Chapter 9 ) .
25 mm , mm , were , were talking about what happens when people who have fallen in love get together and decide to stay together for a bit and its been suggested that marriage can put some strains on er what started off as a very heady mutual experience , if your lucky , let me ask you this , do you think marriage destroys love ? , button one for yes and button two for no , does marriage destroy love ? , as you understand it mm a few are not sure but thirty people have said yes , who said yes
26 Signs of the Pol Pot regime were evident everywhere , both physically , in the devastation of cities and countryside , and emotionally , in the memories of people who have lived through agony that is beyond human understanding :
27 There is substantial evidence that people who have migrated to Britain quite commonly send sums of money on a regular basis to assist relatives still living in their country of origin .
28 The same pattern certainly is found among people who have migrated to Britain from overseas since the end of the Second World War .
29 Can I put it another way to you , that if houses are provided for people who have migrated from West Yorkshire to North Yorkshire , that the failure to provide for employment of an equivalent level , because I well appreciate we are not going to stop Mr Laycock driving or commute I beg your pardon commuting each day from Harrogate to Leeds , that failure failure to provide an adequate level of employment for those new residents would be contrary to the advice in P P G twelve and P P G 14 about reducing the need to travel ?
30 Zidovudine given to people who have recovered from PCP or have a ‘ wasting syndrome ’ with other features of ARC , has resulted in a four-to six-fold reduction in expected mortality after nine months .
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