Example sentences of "people who have [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The people who had not yet moved out of hospital showed no clear trend in their level of participation in meaningful activity , strengthening the case for attributing changes in the group that moved to the community services rather than passage of time or general improvement in all services .
2 Michael Howard , then a Minister at the Department of the Environment , reported an opinion poll as having found that one-quarter of people who had not previously voted in local elections intended to vote in future as a result of the community charge ( interview on This Week , Next Week , 21 February 1988 ) .
3 A very large policeman was trying to keep them back , but they were pressing closer and closer , determined to have a good look at the two people who had so nearly lost their lives .
4 Our family were constant visitors , of course , and many friends — the same , dear kind people who had so readily transported me to the hospital for the nightly visiting .
5 Mr Phil Gregory , Labour agent , said yesterday that , at the count , he turned to the beaten Labour candidate , Mr Douglas Naysmith , and said : ‘ Would n't it be ironic if you were beaten by people who had never even set foot in the constituency ? ’
6 The author of the Life of Wilfrid , who represents Wilfrid as persuading the king and queen to accept the word of God and as preaching to a people who had never before heard the Gospel , undoubtedly exaggerates the paganism of the southern Saxons , for Bede reveals from non-Wilfridian sources , first , that Aethelwealh had married a Christian princess and had been baptized himself and , second , that a number of ealdormen and thegns had likewise received baptism , with the priests , Eappa , Padda , Burghelm and Aeddi ministering to the common people either at the time of Aethelwealh 's conversion or subsequently ( HE IV , 13 ) .
7 Of the 29 other people who 've so far attended the course , only one has broken that oath .
8 You must always remember that it 's been a fairly small percentage of the frail elderly people who 've actually ever had to go into homes .
9 The letter concluded : ‘ Convinced Nazis who are really inwardly certain of our final victory do n't seem to be too plentiful even among people who have otherwise courageously held their own at the Front .
10 This year though we want to attract new supporters and search out people who have n't traditionally supported Save The Children as well as building on the commitment of our existing supporters .
11 A lot of people who have n't previously raped must be going around raping . ’
12 An important target audience for the new qualifications is people who have not yet decided what occupational area they wish to enter .
13 Criminological science should be able to predict which offenders ( and perhaps even which people who have not yet offended ) are likely to commit further crimes .
14 In this chapter , preventive measures will be discussed and examined , first with regard to primary prevention , or preventive work aimed at people who have not yet attempted suicide , and then in terms of secondary prevention , or prevention of further episodes of self-poisoning or self-injury .
15 Moreover , we regard such fees as undesirable because we are keen that there should be no avoidable barriers to access on the part of people who have not traditionally had the opportunity to go into higher education .
16 In fact people who have never even heard of contraception and have never stepped inside a family planning clinic still plan their families .
17 While their challenge was clearly the most serious to have been presented to President Ceausescu , and was made with the full knowledge of important facts , it was also made by people who have long since left the political scene , mainly having retired , or been retired — prematurely — by Mr Ceausescu .
18 Uncharitably , you might say they were middle-class people who have long since sold out and ceased to do anything about changing the world short of creating more personal angst for themselves .
19 The ability to give or lend money to relatives obviously is related to one 's own economic resources in some way — although we are unlikely to find that people who have more straightforwardly give more .
20 It is just possible that you are one of those rare people who has never seriously tried to diet .
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