Example sentences of "people who [vb past] [prep] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gentlemen and their men servants — 267 , these are the extra people staying in the houses , not the people who lived in St Aldate 's normally , women — 66 , children under 16 years of age — 13 , soldiers of the life-guards — 62 , total in this parish — 408 .
2 The same people who said on Tuesday morning that Germany was defeated did n't want to know any more of this on Tuesday evening . ’
3 Mr Havel was one of a handful of people who knew of Mr Devaty 's decision in advance .
4 Mr Baker said many of the 45,000 people who applied for refugee status in Britain last year were bogus .
5 Friedrich Bettelheim was one of the young people who benefited from Greta Burkill 's efforts .
6 We can list the types of people who depended on peasant labour for their bread , but grew it not themselves ; but we can never hope to have any clear appreciation of the numerical strength of each class .
7 The estimated number of people who fled through Mr Honecker 's ‘ anti-fascist defence barrier ’ from 1961 until this year 's sudden flood vary between 40,000 and 200,000 .
8 The ideal grew out of one man 's initiative and people who referred to Sir Matt Busby as a visionary did so without hesitation because , of all the titles bestowed upon him , none appeared to be more appropriate .
9 It developed into a bubble , and holders — people who bought for business reasons — began to outnumber users , those who looked at it and got something out of it .
10 Dexter found his brevity a refreshing contrast to the self-conscious talkativeness of most of the people who worked at TV London .
11 Instead by 1984 , when personal computers were abundant , the US Department of Labor estimated that nearly two-thirds of people who worked on Video Display Terminals in the US were monitored by their employers .
12 I think he had been listening to some people in the dale who had missed out on the shoot and the money that went with it , and were critical , or pretended to be critical , of people who worked for Sir Emmanuel and the other toffs — maybe a bit left wing , although Stanley was n't a person who took any interest in politics .
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