Example sentences of "also [verb] a long [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is a real advantage when using the A2 live and also goes a long way to keeping the engineer happy in the studio , without taking precious minutes to reprogram .
2 Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley is a regular , and the restaurant also goes a long way to explaining Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke 's well-rounded appearance .
3 Mr Gandhi has an election coming up and a big one-day cricket tournament not only goes down well with the electorate , but also goes a long way towards providing a short-term solution to the unemployment problem .
4 ‘ Yesterday I also received a long letter from Steve Pyle .
5 It also ends a long wrangle between Skandia and its two largest shareholders , Hafnia and Uni Storebrand of Norway which had been trying to use their combined 43 p.c. stakes to force a three-way merger .
6 Not only do books often tend to be rather broad in their approach to a subject , but they can also take a long time to be published after they are written and the information may thus be out of date .
7 However , he also went a long way towards showing that this apparent conflict could be reconciled by isolating ways in which the two ideals were similar .
8 This will also go a long way towards preventing your neighbour complaining about the noise you make .
9 The Times also carried a long interview with Jacob Manor .
10 Bulgaria also had a long history of Byzantine building of churches and monasteries but remains of original work are not numerous or of high quality .
11 From talking to them on the way home and talking to Ted Heath 's G P , who we also had a long discussion with , without doubt there are other people there who obviously simply refuse to let come home , who are just as serious and , from the sound of it , one or two perhaps even more serious than the ones we did bring home .
12 The Andes also have a long history of human occupation which has transformed the landscape .
13 The Orkneys and Shetland also have a long history of independence in local government terms and pride themselves on their Scandinavian roots and their distinctiveness from Scotland .
14 Dried pastas have a shelf-life in excess of a year and frozen pastas also have a long shelf-life under proper conditions .
15 Few people are aware that he also pioneered a long line of excursion steamers on the Forth starting in 1813 .
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