Example sentences of "also [verb] [that] [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The President also announced that he would form a transitional government of " national union " as early as January 1991 , which would seek to " strengthen state machinery " and " devote itself to restoring the ethics of the civil service . "
2 He also announced that he would press charges against his brother for the " moral damage " which he had caused .
3 Patten also announced that he would make extensive use of enhanced capping powers in 1991 .
4 The government also announced that it would invest about US$670 million over the next five years in the development of alternative energies and the improvement of domestic electrical efficiency .
5 The company also announced that it will make over 33,000 redundancies this year .
6 IBM also announced that it will begin distributing the AIX/6000 on compact disk .
7 You may also think that you would like help with the planning and execution of the catering .
8 They also fear that they will lose business to the factor , who may reduce the customer 's need for a bank loan .
9 Alan had also arranged that he would take Nigel 's body to the chapel of rest at the crematorium until the cremation could take place .
10 Frequently , investors also insist that they can trigger the redemption provisions upon a material breach of the subscription and shareholders ' agreement .
11 The consortium also disclosed that it would need up to £1.6bn in fresh finance on top of the £6bn already raised .
12 Mitterrand also affirmed that he would campaign for as much assistance as possible to " help President Gorbachev and perestroika " .
13 He also thinks that we must develop a culture that demands certain standards from all teachers and accords high status to the few who choose to develop their teaching skills further .
14 With a sinking heart , she also realised that she must go on living with the Ward family , at least for now .
15 About open learning and they 've got an H N C in Business Communications , now they also say that you could do this as a student at the college .
16 However , these same life cycles also suggest that they may have a different nature from the larger ovals .
17 The report also suggest that there will need to be a greater commitment to wardening , monitoring and maintenance in future , if the situation is not to deteriorate again after the completion of repairs .
18 From the north-east side of the island Captain Ferzenaar also reported that he could see no less than eleven other minor centres of activity , which were either emitting small columns of steam , or occasionally ejecting dust in small explosive bursts .
19 We must also ensure that we can identify local variations from the national pattern ’ .
20 The trick , of course , is to give young heroes quick wits and ingenuity as well as an impetuous and opportunist temperament , so that any opening for individual enterprise against the enemy can be plausibly taken : at the same time the status and responsibility of a midshipman , however young , which allows him to direct his seniors in dangerous and often illicit exploits will also ensure that he will have the backing of those older men and the support of their common sense , experience and physical strength .
21 Gary 's expert advice , will also ensure that you can maintain your style throughout your wedding day and if required , adapt it for your honeymoon .
22 The University also says that it can supply state-of-the art fibre to other universities and industry across the world in accordance with specific designs , if required .
23 We also learnt that one can integrate the interests of motorists by using bypasses to take through traffic away , and go in for traffic-calming measures which work .
24 The Food and Drug Administration has also hinted that it may revise a policy that does not at present require special safety testing or labelling for most biotechnology foods .
25 Speech act theory , by attempting to single out the pieces of shared knowledge which enable us to interpret the function of what is said , also assumes that we can distinguish which factors in the situation are relevant , but again it does nothing to explain how we distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant .
26 It was also decided that they should concentrate on the contract market .
27 We have also decided that we will look again at the costs of refurbishment .
28 As we can be sure that Howard would have approved of the constructive use of prisoners ' time and energy and training in work habits , so we can probably also assume that he would have been disappointed in and disapproving of the latest trend .
29 It was also envisaged that they would play an advocacy and educational role on behalf of dementia sufferers throughout their area .
30 I can also acknowledge that there must have been many women like her , all over Glasgow ; that there were then in the early 1900s when she was marrying and becoming a mother ; that there were later .
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