Example sentences of "these [vb mod] [adv] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many of these may already be recognised in their local community but are being lost to the Church , with consequent resentment , frustration and impoverishment of the parish .
2 In particular it is looking at cross-curricular issues , including areas such as the role of careers guidance , health education and other aspects of personal and social education , environmental education and economic awareness and it is considering how these may best be reflected in the curriculum .
3 These may eventually be harnessed as biosensor recognition components , although the structural lability of most receptors when separated from their lipid membrane environment is a serious problem .
4 These may well be ignored by the algorithm if they score sufficiently poorly .
5 They provide ‘ on approval ’ collections of new books which librarians may inspect before selecting , and these may either be sent to library premises or — a new development — toured round library authorities in special vans .
6 These may not be recognized as symptoms of stress — that is , until the stress is reduced and the symptoms disappear .
7 For some religious convictions will dictate the manner of disposal , but again these may not be shared by everyone involved .
8 Although structuralism , in its extension of the Kantian position , has constantly asserted the cultural nature of those natural phenomena which impinge upon us only through being assimilated by our own categorizing processes , these may still be differentiated from artefacts , within which such a system of categorization is an inherent attribute .
9 The rules of court impose strict time limits on the parties and these may only be varied with leave ( see Chapter 5 ) .
10 Accomplishments such as these must eventually be measured against the increasing menace to UN forces .
11 Anyway , these must not be dismissed with hasty suggestions ; it is extremely important to my mind not to discredit the zoophile cause by sounding idiotic and to take great notice of the knowledgeable people who are concerned with managing these creatures even if one does not like their attitudes .
12 These must not be sung in the unfamiliar acoustic of the Church hymn , but suitably doctored so that they do not make shoppers stop their trolleys to listen .
13 The words however , in our present enquiry , has other and wider meanings , and these must now be brought into consideration .
14 When initial appointments are made over the telephone , for instance if someone telephones to ask about vacancies , these should also be confirmed in writing .
15 There is no reason why these should not be made in the home provided the design is kept to a simple one for a first attempt .
16 Cold purified water can be transferred in polythene or pitch-fibre pipes , but these should not be used in locations where hot water can be accidentally passed through the pipes .
17 Usually the line represents the flow of something but that something might be material , energy , information or time but again these should not be mixed on the same diagram unless differently coded lines are used .
18 Another way in which governors will be able to understand their school is through a series of visits ; these should always be agreed with the head in advance and on a planned basis .
19 These should still be kept at a regular time , because if you vary the routine too widely the dog is likely to become restless .
20 The final point to be made is that in Re G ( a minor ) 1988 ( A11 FR p. 7(15) the House of Lords upheld the argument that adoption orders can be made with access but that these should only be made in exceptional circumstances although a distinction may be drawn between the position of birth parents and other relatives .
21 These should then be discounted by the risk-free rate of interest to produce the present values of and respectively .
22 These should then be reflected in the budgets .
23 But cases like these might well be based on the general defence of necessity .
24 As regards new and wide-ranging orientations in Church life-our vaguest category — we will note six , while recognizing that these might well be grouped in different ways .
25 The former study compared carefully matched samples of British , French , and German factories , and having held as constant as possible factors such as size of enterprise , technology , and the firm 's environment , discovered substantial differences in the way work was organised in the three countries , concluding that these could best be accounted for by features of each nation 's culture , and in particular its educational and occupational structures .
26 These could briefly be listed as :
27 These could loosely be described as ‘ secular ’ Protestantism .
28 In some senses these could also be regarded as special classification schemes .
29 ( We wrote the marks themselves on paper , so that these could not be changed by program , though we also kept them electronically in order to allow electronic analysis of marks . )
30 The cost of a new one of these could n't be offset by this contract you are working on or the next , come to that . ’
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