Example sentences of "these [noun pl] was [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The specificity of these interactions was demonstrated by the finding that one of these sites correlates to a putative AP1 binding site as proposed from sequence analysis of the PPT promoter ( 7 ) .
2 One or more of these groups was placed under the control of an individual .
3 Neither of these proposals was accepted by the men who , both in December 1909 and May 1910 , voted by two-thirds majorities to reject them.46 The talks remained in deadlock through the summer of 1910 , but following energetic efforts by the compositors and the unions representing kindred trades , pressure was mounting for a confrontation , which took place in the last weeks of the summer
4 Responsibility for these plans was divided between the tiers of local government after reorganization so that counties , metropolitan counties and the Scottish regions were responsible for the structure plans , which were understood , at first at least , to be of strategic importance , providing the framework within which local plans might be prepared by district councils .
5 Where among the fathers there had been one representative each of gamekeeper , watchman , pilot , none of these trades was represented among the husbands : instead there were one each of policeman , teacher , minister of religion , prison warder and two farmers : occupations entirely absent from the list of fathers .
6 One of these styles was invented on the eve of the Fifties by Abraham Levitt , who was already seventy years old , on a potato patch on Long Island .
7 The importance of these functions was enhanced by the barbarian invasions of the fifth century .
8 The centrepiece of these reforms was addressed to the issue of peasant landownership .
9 This effect would be avoided if the responsibility for these expenditures was taken into the budget , and the necessary taxation was raised to cover them .
10 The impersonal and durable character of these rights was highlighted during the last years of Louis VII 's reign , in the use in charters of the phrase corona regni ( the crown of the kingdom ) , a phrase which marked out royal rights from princely by asserting their value to the kingdom as a whole .
11 One way of interpreting these sub-cultures was provided by the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies ( CCCS ) at Birmingham in the 1970s .
12 Theoretical rigour for these observations was provided by the American economist Mancur Olson in his key 1965 text , The Logic of Collective Action .
13 The number of strains of E coli from each patient examined for these properties was determined by the variety of colonial or biochemical phenotypes present .
14 The timeliness of the Minor award in these terms was noted by the head of history : The project came along at the time when we were thinking about cross-curricular developments anyway , and the school had been concerned about the particular pattern of study skills and how they could be extended and coordinated .
15 The occasion for these pronouncements was provided by the " Cambridge Crisis " : an occasion which offers an instructive case study of the Practical and institutional boundaries of the spirit of " genial ecumenicalism " supposedly characteristic of the new pluralism .
16 A system with these features was proposed in the 1980s , though not for Europe , by John Williamson of the Institute for International Economics in Washington , DC ( see page 101 ) .
17 During the seventies this form of finance became comparatively more attractive as it offered variable rates of interest ( which are tax deductible ) and the short nature of these loans was mitigated by the banks ' willingness to roll-over these loans on request .
18 Each of these sentences was submitted to the ANLT ( with the alternative morphology described in $ ) to determine whether the sentence parsed , how many parses were obtained and how long the processing took .
19 The cost of these services was deducted from the allocation made to the relevant DHA .
20 Each of these documents was processed by the confusion program to produce simulated recognition output .
21 The valour of these raiders was recognised after the destruction of the docks at St Nazaire by the award of the Victoria Cross to Lieutenant-Commander S. H.
22 On 18 December 1912 a reconstruction of these remains was presented to the Geological Society of London by ( Sir ) Arthur Smith Woodward [ q.v. ] , keeper of geology at the Natural History Museum , who was convinced they represented an early human form which he had dubbed Eoanthropus ( ‘ dawn man ’ ) dawsoni .
23 The meanings of these expressions was considered in the previous chapter , and it may be expected that they will be interpreted in essentially the same way in this context .
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