Example sentences of "just as [pron] [verb] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 Although still on the top floor , they now had lifts , or rather elevators , to take them up and once inside the dressing-room each Girl had her own mirror well lit by bulbs surrounding three sides just as they had seen in the films .
2 Although the Poles could have exercised a military option in the north just as they had done in Silesia , by this time their involvement in a war against the infant Soviet state , over territories and borders in the eastern provinces , made this a logistical impossibility .
3 In the distance she heard the faint sounds of voices from the pool , and her dazed eyes rested on the green palm trees out on the terrace , while the dim light of the courtyard shut out the horrors of the morning , and she saw the gleaming white tower of a mosque against the deep sky and the far-off mountains , just as they had looked in the travel brochures .
4 England defender Pallister was then handed the responsibility of keeping United in continental competition but , just as they had failed in a penalty shoot-out against Videoton in the Cup Winners ' Cup in 1985 , so they were again to be engulfed in misery .
5 So I gave you a topic sport or a hobby or an interest that you had and you produced a thought pattern for that just as we 'd done in the practice one with the subject of water , but then we moved on a stage further to get what are called a structured thought pattern .
6 In the Guides you will work for Interest Badges just as you have done in Brownies .
7 Labour lost the 1935 election because of its confusion over foreign policy , just as it had lost in 1931 because of its domestic failure .
8 The population of the capital grew dramatically in the 18th and 19th centuries , just as it had done in the 17th , and despite the fact that its death rate was higher than the national average .
9 The Imperial ambassador reported that the willing lenders never expected to see their money again : their pessimism was justified , since Parliament remitted all obligation on the King to repay , just as it had done in 1529 .
10 When the banner of religion is raised as a banner of politics , blood will flow , just as it has done in Belfast , Beirut and Colombo .
11 And it 's just as I 've said in local government , er we only get what you 've put in .
12 Like a drowning man he snatched at anything , just as he had done in London .
13 And when the grandson left school , ‘ I worked in my grandfather 's boat just as he had worked in his grandfather 's …
14 It was just as she had dreamed in her dreams it would be — a blissful sensation that shot down to her toes and sent her blood , like fiery rapids , exploding through her veins .
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