Example sentences of "good [noun sg] of [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But to benefit from its more esoteric features you certainly need a good comprehension of the underlying processes .
2 These perceptions were encouraged by policies which assumed that problems of urban deprivation had their origins in the characteristics of local populations and that these could be resolved simply by better co-ordination of the social services and encouragement of citizen involvement and community self-help .
3 Aircraft do appear however in the chapter on Calshot where good coverage of the various types to have been based there over the years is included .
4 A good coverage of the major processes of orogenesis , containing a number of detailed case studies , can be found in Hsu ( 1983 ) and Schaer and Rodgers ( 1987 ) , while Von Huene ( 1984 ) and Molnar ( 1986 ) provide useful introductory reviews , and Molnar ( 1988 ) considers the problem of reconciling the plate tectonics model with the problem of orogenesis .
5 The fact remains that the debate on contemporary art seems to have entered a new dimension , with doubt being cast wholesale on the quality and content of recent trends , and on the good faith of the public institutions which give them space .
6 Thicker Baby Fresh Wipes give better coverage of the big events .
7 In conclusion , my Lord Member , we all remember we all remember the windfall , the supposed windfall , that Councillor said had been produced by the good housekeeping of the joint bodies of .
8 Licorice Phytosome enhances better absorption of the active ingredients and increases their effectiveness for a prolonged period of time .
9 A good review of the major determinants of staying on is provided by Pissarides ( 1981 ) .
10 A good deal of the extensive baths has been excavated and the city presents the tourist of today with perhaps the most splendidly restored of all Roman remains in Europe . ’
11 I was encouraged in this by the good result of the experimental members ' evening in the 1990-1 programme , when half a dozen members gave excellent short talks .
12 In fact , by focusing upon the specific factors within the value chain , managers will gain a much better appreciation of the specific risks and uncertainties associated with their strategies than some less well-defined , hit-or-miss sensitivity analysis .
13 B.Butcher , the general secretary of one of the most stable and better run of the local seamen 's organisations of the time , made no bones about his own experience .
14 What we need now , to have a better grasp of these connections , is a better grasp of the two kinds of statements .
15 It will be looked back upon by history as one of the remarkable achievements of the human spirit to have discovered how a very little violence can destroy the good conscience of the major institutions of society , and interchange the positions of sense and nonsense , right or wrong .
16 The dominant females also had their share — Loukoum took the lower half , and Ondine had a good portion of the internal organs .
17 They can help companies by providing someone with a good knowledge of the latest techniques in management and business . ’
18 It 's only a hop and a skip from the Viaduct , and they have a good selection of the latest fashions . ’
19 It is a good example of the best traditions of ‘ Scotch ale ’ , as the style is termed in parts of England .
20 My hon. Friend is right to draw attention to that good example of the special skills and capabilities that the British defence industry still has , and which I do not doubt will serve it well in future in both domestic and export markets .
21 It follows a very sensible line which makes good use of the existing paths along Dere Street and the Minchmoor , the drove road from Peebles over the Cauldstane Slap to the Lothian plain , the towpaths of the Union and the Forth-Clyde canals , and the Antonine Wall .
22 He had reason to believe , he said , that the Normans in Herefordshire had made good use of the Roman building-materials ready to hand , and there was no reason why others should not do the same .
23 The lower prices have had a dampening effect on innovative schemes to make better use of the natural resources consumed , and will do nothing to stimulate necessary investment by the generators on modernising their capacity .
24 The potential for improving the Park as an educational resource for Edinburgh schools and colleges was explored , as were opportunities for better interpretation of the diverse interests in the Park for all visitors .
25 Daisy was sweating for him , and as he stumbled over the word ‘ pomegranates ’ , she could feel the collective good will of the painted ladies in the congregation urging him home like the favourite in the Grand National .
26 We planned a good tour of the near peaks of Windermere .
27 The following case provides a very good illustration of the legal problems arising from allegations of fraud .
28 Hollywood could not have created a better image of the middle ages .
29 These groups aim to reach a better understanding of the complex reasons behind alcohol misuse and to implement practical and effective initiatives to encourage more sensible and responsible attitudes to drinking .
30 An alternative approach is to seek a better understanding of the developmental processes which seem to be at work by studying young children as they involve themselves in getting to know the language .
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