Example sentences of "good [noun sg] of [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 It is not surprising that gonococcal eye infection in newborn babies , a good measure of undiagnosed infection in a community , is extremely prevalent .
2 The A4 contains a good variety of usable sounds in both user and preset modes , and with the A4 plugged into a Boogie combo and using an Aria ‘ Mad Axe ’ I could 've headed straight to the gig .
3 A central feature of the government 's binary policy and the concept of a ‘ public sector ’ was the decision to concentrate a good deal of advanced work in a new generation of ‘ polytechnics ’ — a title borrowed from an earlier response to technological and economic demand — the generation of polytechnics created in London in the last two decades of the nineteenth century .
4 There has in fact been a good deal of legal commentary in recent months as to the effectiveness of warranties , but it would be advisable for a tenant to take up warranties ( in a standard and acceptable form ) if they are available .
5 In the period 1955–70 , a good deal of sociological work in ethnic relations was centred around a different , but related problem — that of the integration of black immigrants into British society .
6 In the USA on the other hand , a good deal of useful research in these areas has been undertaken .
7 The case of Nigeria has attracted a good deal of scholarly attention in this respect and is worth looking at more closely .
8 There is also a good deal of bottled-up passion in him , as witnessed in a brilliant mock-rejection scene with Hal .
9 While there is a good deal of intuitive sense in the observation that social workers and teachers respond to financial and other economic incentives like most workers , it is a hypothesis rather than an empirically supported contention .
10 The next day he went for a long walk , about 20 miles , during which he did a good deal of clear thinking in the mountains .
11 There is a good programme of daily activities in the Home , and all these are written up on a large board in Peter 's office .
12 ‘ But there 's a good mix of social issues in the new series , ’ said a spokeswoman .
13 Cecil Melling ( the chairman of the Eastern Board , who had supported Schiller 's work since before nationalisation and took costing more seriously than his fellow chairmen ) for a time gained the support of the Central Authority 's commercial department for the better reflection of off-peak costs in the bulk tariff , but the other Area Board chairmen strongly opposed the initiative .
14 It makes a gnarled specimen with minute , round leaves and has a good crop of black berries in winter .
15 By chance , the cloud arrived in the middle of a series of measurements of the ‘ extinction ’ of Sun and star light caused by the atmosphere , and as a result the Lowell team has a very good record of day-to-day variations in the transparency of the atmosphere .
16 He would very probably find better evidence of present attitudes in his own political experience or in the popular press than in even fairly recent statutes enacted by a legislature most of whose members are now gone .
17 Comparisons of species represented in pitfall traps and artificial traps show that the former provide a better sample of small mammals in an area .
18 Certainly there are differences , especially in the better development of marine sediments in the American Pennsylvanian , but these in a way have obscured the resemblances ; for work in America has concentrated on the marine fossils , whereas in Europe we have usually been forced to fall back on the non-marine faunas and floras .
19 Whenever we work with data values that have been generated by a growth process , we will have a better chance of revealing regularities in their behaviour if we convert them first to logs .
20 Better news of local teams in the Pilkington Cup …
21 As between youngsters of the same ability , there is better assurance of reasonable success in the solicitors ' branch .
22 By the choice of the term satyāgraha , Gandhi distinguished the non-violent actions of the Indian movement from the passive resistance of the European movements thereby removing the cause of confusion and a the same time preparing the way for a better understanding of Indian aspirations in South Africa .
23 A neat marketing ploy , and a good way of interesting children in aviation .
24 Those countries which had the best record of increasing productivity in the 1960s and 1970s , such as Kenya and Cameroun , are no longer maintaining their momentum .
25 Statistics show that 30-year-old Pears has the best average of leading goalkeepers in the country .
26 I remember the sinking feeling still : 1964 , having just moved up to Leeds and my first day at Almscliff — then , and probably still , the best swather of tall poppies in the land .
27 Besides showing more sculpture , Picon would like to put more glass on display , since ‘ we have the best collection of antique glass in the Western hemisphere ’ .
28 Moran says he has the best collection of medieval furniture in private hands in the country , and he wants the hall to set it off .
29 Subsequent decisions on strategy concerned the best use of American resources in the European theatre of war , and here the British Prime Minister , Winston Churchill , played an important role in 1942 .
30 The best explanation of theoretical issues in intonation is Cruttenden ( 1986 ) .
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