Example sentences of "good [noun sg] of [noun sg] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Preliminary discussions show a good measure of support in the trade , ’ said Cleveland Police .
2 When Twoflower said they 'd got better kind of magic in the Empire I thought — I thought … ’
3 Or they can be over-generous in an embarrassing way : I 've seen my wife offered the choice of a better cut of meat in a butcher 's shop , when there are little old ladies queueing up .
4 By 1980 the succession of troubles along the Iran-Iraq border , combined with uncertainty as to the international behaviour to be expected of post-revolutionary Iran , was provoking a good deal of disquiet in the outside world , particularly among the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) states .
5 There was usually a good deal of flexibility in the organisation of these political departments : their number and scope altered easily and often to meet changing demands .
6 This may cost more at the time but could save a good deal of money in the long run .
7 Midianite : the inter-change of terms sound confused , but from late patriarchal times on , there was in fact a good deal of overlap in the use of the terms " Midianite " , " Ishmaelite " , " Medanite " , " Moabite " .
8 Many of them certainly need a good deal of instruction in the art of lecturing .
9 Dyble added the conversion and another big victory looked on the cards , but Basingstoke showed a good deal of spirit in the final half-hour .
10 However , a good number of geographers have conducted recreational surveys in the last 20 years and a good deal of experience in the methods and techniques for conducting visitor surveys , in particular , has been obtained , so that it is now generally agreed that the following procedure should be followed :
11 At the same time there was a good deal of variation in the ways in which the Bible was understood and interpreted by different groups of reformers , and this led to a further fragmentation of the previously unified world of Christendom .
12 She did a good deal of field-work in the pubs of commuterland , achieving in her story ‘ Summer Schools ’ ( also in the 1958 volume ) an almost ‘ Gothic ’ horror .
13 There is , however , a good deal of information in the texts about the wordings suitable for trusts .
14 But the public still had a good deal of confidence in the armed forces and the police , although both were held in less regard than they were ten years ago .
15 Since its launch last November , says that there has been a good deal of interest in the scheme from all sectors of the industry and added , ‘ Through controlled and managed expansion the benefits in terms of new business to the Company are tremendous ’ .
16 There was certain to be a good deal of opposition in the Cabinet .
17 If we interpret Europe as excluding Great Britain there is a good deal of force in the claim of one historian that Leopold was ‘ the first constitutionally-minded monarch known to European history ’ .
18 Over the last thirty years the achievements of physiologists and psychologists in studying dreaming have received a good deal of attention in the media , much of it sensationalist , so one might expect some of this information to have percolated through to become common knowledge .
19 ‘ You can park here and see a good deal of stock in an hour or two , ’ claims Barbara Humble , who moved out from Bath two years ago .
20 They made a short visit , I suspect that they were going on to M.J. 's [ Margaret Jourdain 's ] brother and like Dulcia [ in A House and Its Head ] expected to come by a good deal of refreshment in the course of their peregrinations .
21 Compared to political leaders in other states , British Prime Ministers spend a good deal of time in the legislature .
22 She spent a good deal of time in the kitchen and bullied Dora into showing her how to make bread and pastry ; she would take cookery books up to her room and study the methods of jam making and preserving fruit and vegetables .
23 At blindside prop George Mann , recruited from St Helens to ease mounting injury problems , ran with the enthusiasm of a man keen to catch the eye ; and with Kuiti and Nikau generating a good deal of power in the second row , Rovers were hard pressed to close the gaps .
24 Nowadays this service has a high technical profile and far superior image , which has provided a good degree of protection in the market place .
25 DEBORAH Warner , who stunned us with her Titus Andronicus and Electra , makes her debut at the National directing Brecht 's The Good Person of Sichuan in the Olivier .
26 For research work , references to recent titles in a book 's bibliography can be a good indicator of currency in the text .
27 When I went out there with Sandra I was told that you normally get a better rate of exchange in the country when you change travellers cheques .
28 This should lead to a better quality of grape in the following season .
29 Secondly , ensuring a good intake of protein in the diet will help to minimize loss of muscle tissue during a weigh-loss programme .
30 There is a spacious lounge and an inviting bar , and a good choice of menu in the restaurant which overlooks the garden .
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