Example sentences of "good [noun] of [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although he spent a good part of each year in England , he ruled in the personal manner of his father and great-uncle .
2 If we could observe them , it would provide a good test of this picture of a very hot early stage of the universe .
3 It therefore makes sense to have a good range of such tools in a manufacturer 's catalogue .
4 This may have been the collection that has finally established medium to good pieces of this period as part of the mainstream of serious American furniture collecting .
5 The size of the holes , and the thickness of the surrounding bubbles of enriched galaxy formation , depend on the details of the perturbations fed in to the idealised model calculations , and this offers hope that better observations of these holes in the Universe may reveal information about the kinds of disturbances that made the big bang of creation develop irregularly .
6 ‘ Life in Christ ’ and hope in another world bring ease and refinement into a mere struggle for existence , calming the restless craving after the good things of this world by an ‘ other worldliness ’ and making failure a ‘ means of grace ’ instead of a despicable want of success
7 If meaning is brought to birth within the text , the text itself is the bearer of all the Reality that inheres in meaning ; and that , when one thinks about it , is , while by no means all the Reality there is , quite a good portion of that part of Reality which matters to us .
8 Sue Jennings ' ( 1973 ) approach to Drama Therapy is a good example of all sorts of group and individual game-like experiences being referred to as drama .
9 The ever-increasing competition in telecommunications is a good example of that process at work .
10 The opening Largo of the Concerto No. 1 in D major is a good example of these qualities in Corelli 's style yet I felt that Banchini took it just a shade too slow for its own good .
11 The Vale of Eden between the Pennines and the Lake District in northern England provides a small but good example of this happening in Permian times .
12 Flying In A Blue Dream is a good example of this scale in action in his music .
13 The later term that Freud adopted to this super ego has become synonymous in people 's minds with conscience the idea of the super ego as the the role of conscience and presum presumably that 's another aspect of the same thing and er Serg Moskovicy in his excellent book Age of the Crowd erm which is on the reading list which I can thoroughly recommend in discussing this point of how Freud sees the leader as the kind of super ego of the followers quotes one of the Nuremberg war criminals , I forget which it was now erm Goering or Goebbels or one of these er people who when asked of the Nuremberg war tribunals why did you do the things you did , replied Adolf Hitler was my conscience and that 's er that 's a very erm good example of this idea of er how the the role of conscience can be transferred from the individual to the , to the leader of the group and I suppose Dean you would say erm illustrates one of the greatest dangers of group , group membership because er obviously if if that happens in a group , then erm individuals are to some extent erm surrendering their moral self-responsibility and of course if Freud 's insight is correct , then there was an element of truth in in this in this excuse Adolf Hitler was my conscience .
14 And there is a very good example of this puzzle to be found in the computer business .
15 Again , the US , where concern over the concentration of economic power is most strong , provides a good example of this sort of regulatory measure .
16 Maury 's dream could be a good example of this sort of attempt at comprehension of a series of striking but unconnected images and sensations , a form of the " effort after meaning " that the Cambridge psychologist Sir Frederick Bartlett ascribed to normal waking memory processes in the first half of this century .
17 I want to bring the good bits of that system to Rangers . ’
18 Hammersmith Road is a good illustration of this process at work .
19 There are now few areas in the world where the impact of the TNCs has not been researched by someone and good examples of this type of study are Kowaleski ( 1982 ) on the Caribbean , Onimode et al.
20 The purpose of this text is to help students of hotel and catering management and people working within the catering professions towards a better understanding of those principles of English law which closely affect them in their day-to-day work in the hotel and catering industry .
21 To enable the reader to gain a good understanding of these methods of implementing monetary policy , we also outline the main functions of the more important financial institutions in the United Kingdom .
22 It is only in the past few years that a good understanding of these types of collision has emerged , and it is only a year since Tiesinga et al .
23 Best boat of this kind on the market and better than new .
24 It 's got the best selection of any piece of software .
25 The best example of that type of person is the liberal who professes to be anti-war and anti-violence and then goes to the boxing matches or watches the football game and screams his head off .
26 Probably the best example of this type of approach to the study of the mass media is the Langs ' classic study of MacArthur Day in Chicago in 1952 .
27 According to Presswatch Annual , which monitors stories in the London papers , Weir had a plus score of 807 points , compared with Marks & Spencer 's score of 2,553 , the best performance of any company in the UK .
28 The effect of contested takeover bids on a company 's share price may be seen from the 139 per cent increase in the price of Rowntree 's shares during the first six months of 1988 — the best performance of any share in the FT-SE 100 index .
29 In Walton 's view , there is a need to consider factors to be taken into account if the phrase is to be infused with greater meaning , and to clarify whether what is meant is the best interests of all children in a particular community , or of deprived , maladjusted or delinquent children , or of one particular child .
30 Mr McNeill 's lump sum payment and pension will be based on the best pay of any year of the last three years of his career .
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