Example sentences of "just [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is not just that he persists in the language of ‘ lord ’ and ‘ servant , when Esau has called him ‘ brother ’ , though that is significant enough .
2 I think it 's just that he arrived at the same conclusions .
3 Yeah It 's funny we 've just cos it paid for the flat .
4 Starting with Oracle Financials , it means to tune its hardware , architecture and operating system to optimise software performance just like they did in the ‘ good ole days ’ but without threatening the customer with a proprietary hammerlock .
5 People are not benighted and narrow and dogmatic just because they live in the Outer Hebrides or Gedney Drove End .
6 just because he fought in the International Brigade .
7 Ah ha , you say — that 's just because she lives in the country now .
8 And if you refuse to go on the grounds of this silly prejudice against a man you have n't even met , just because you disapprove of the way he 's made his money , that makes you a bigot , Virginia Chester !
9 Above all , make an effort not to develop psychological reactions to chemicals — never assume that you are going to react to a chemical just because you have in the past .
10 Just because you work with the guy
11 Since just after we came to the Manor .
12 I remember one Monday morning , just after we went into the Boys ' School , he came into Standard One and brought with him , from our class , Jim Weeks , who had been absent when the registers were called .
13 It happened just after we went past the , just before .
14 Just before we arrived at the station , the lights came on .
15 We finished just before we arrived at the main gate of the chateau .
16 I gave him a final wave just before we turned into the approach road leading to the village .
17 But just before they plunge into the earth
18 Just before they got to the village , Wayne cracked his silence .
19 The dark grey eyes that glanced her way just before they moved across the chaotic intersection seemed to mirror that hatred , and she recoiled slightly .
20 ‘ My mother , just before she died at the age of fifty . ’
21 They had originally offered £100,000 for Fox , who asked relegated Rovers for a move just before he left on the Lions tour Down Under in May .
22 In the last analysis the 67 12s. 9d. would stand revealed ; the pen would be taken out of his fingers just before he signed across the excise stamp ; gentle hands would conduct him back to the comfortable shabby gloom of Flat 4 , 86 Leominster Gardens .
23 just before he arrived at the school Victor Gollancz left its staff , ejected because he tried to rouse boys ' minds by heady and daring political argument .
24 The manservant dropped to one knee , brought the crossbow up , again the death-bearing click , and the whirring crossbow bolt caught the second assassin just before he slipped into the darkness .
25 Probably the clue to the most plausible explanation — and the one put forward by the man most likely to know , his jockey Dick Francis — lies in the fact that just before he slid to the ground Devon Loch pricked his ears , in the way that a horse might do just before jumping a fence — or on suddenly hearing an unfamiliar noise .
26 This happened just before I went to the first gay liberation meeting in London .
27 An event that stands out occurred at Easter 1922 , just before I went into the Boys ' School .
28 Well it was a wee bit under because I was only an office clerk , I , I was n't the junior but by then had come there and there were other , other clerks , some girls who 'd come into the office and I 'd got a little bit of step up you see and took over a little bit more important work , erm , I did just before I went in the Army have a dabble at erm running times , that was preparing the schedules for buses .
29 After Lescun , the valley of the Aspe grows increasingly tight and stony , a forbidding landscape well epitomized by the manmade fortress of Le Portalet , built high up in the cliffs on the left just before you come to the final French village of Urdos .
30 Coming in on this conspicuous palm tree on a course of 310 °M , you will pass to port a prominent flat-topped and nearly awash rock just before you get to the reef opening itself .
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