Example sentences of "give [noun] [noun] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had given Arabella Buckley a quick glance then .
2 Since she hated cinnamon water next only to cod-liver oil it would be a suitable penance for having given Miss Beard a nasty moment .
3 On the eve of her departure for Switzerland , Thomas Sachs had given Katherine Jardine a little parcel and a brief , admonitory speech .
4 Five per cent would give Chief Buthelezi a good chance of playing a role in the national government .
5 He won the Mildmay of Flete at Cheltenham two years ago at 66–1 and could give Robert Bellamy a memorable ride .
6 The remaining delegates to be chosen in these races will not give Mr Clinton a firm lock on the nomination but , barring some unfathomable collapse on his part , he will be mathematically impossible to overtake .
7 Earlier , Lord Donaldson had commented that the £600,000 would give Mrs Sutcliffe a permanent income of some £60,000 a year for life — and when she died the £600,000 would still be intact .
8 If this is a success it will give Video Conferencing a considerable boost .
9 A rare voice of dissent came from the leading liberal legislator , Mr Martin Lee , who argued that the deportations would give Hong Kong a bad name .
10 ‘ We must give Dr. Briant a fair hearing first , please , but since the point has been raised — Dr. Briant ? ’
11 But it is pure silk encrusted with sequins and it did give Yul Brynner a regal air when he wore it in The King And I in 1956 .
12 If I were a publisher , I should give John Mortimer a fat retainer to stand by ready to cover the Aids cause celebre from day one .
13 In January 1916 Joffre and de Castelnau had given President Poincaré a vehement assurance as to the superiority of French aviation .
14 These flowers possess spring-loaded anthers that give honey bees a rough blow when they enter .
15 Come on , give Auntie Pauline a nice smile .
16 It even understands that by repeating the chorus to the fade , you give Gary Davies a perfect platform from which to give the traffic update .
17 Maman put down the loaded fork with a sigh and turned to Twomey at the sideboard : " Please give Miss Nicandra a clean plate and help her to some spinach . "
18 Mr Paul Wolfowitz , President Reagan 's State Department specialist on the subject , did indeed talk of the United States ‘ reasserting our appropriate role in the Pacific region — a very strong and involved role — and even many foreign observers give President Reagan a large share of the credit for that . ’
19 Come and give Aunty Barbara a big cuddle !
20 Because his budget went down well with Tory MPs ( see page 39 ) , however , Mr Major has given Mrs Thatcher a valuable breather .
21 Now motorists are threatening to give Shell pumps a wide berth .
22 Ministers have already decided that they will have to give cable operators a free choice on the technology they use , provided it meets the basic requirements already laid down by the DoI and endorsed last month by the Eden Committee .
23 Mr Sodhi said he intended to give Miss Dixon a final warning but her attitude meant he felt compelled to sack her .
24 Experts meeting at Thames Water 's Oxford Headquarters today are about to give Farmoor Reservoir a clean bill of health .
25 As the central circle rotates , it causes the rolling circle to give point P a reciprocating action .
26 She knew that he had some evil plan , but she was too frightened to give Sir Henry a clear warning .
27 Brokers and investors cite three other devices that some of those investing public-sector funds are using to give share prices a big boost :
28 In order to give Love Hearts a fair trial .
29 Slowly Troy knelt to give Fanny Robin a gentle kiss .
30 The repeal of the Combination Acts in 1824–5 had given trade unions a precarious legality , and Loveless 's initiative was apparently protected .
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