Example sentences of "only [to-vb] [conj] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The press has mushroomed , stalls are packed with newspapers and Romania has become a mecca for journalists from the West eager not only to report but instruct the new media , still largely partisan and biased , in western techniques and styles .
2 Every hill-walker dreams of seeing a wildlife drama unfold in front of them as they peer over a crag , hoping that the next rise will reveal an osprey fighting off a wildcat which it returned to find attacking the nest , forcing the great bird to drop its intended dinner , a pine marten , which runs for its life , stopping only to catch and eat a grounded , flapping , pipistrelle bat .
3 Post-1945 world politics have been basically the politics of revolution and counter-revolution , with national issues intervening only to underline or disturb the main theme .
4 Cut off from links with the political practice of the masses , which only the communist party could provide , their writings would inevitably serve only to confuse and mislead the popular struggle , and to give aid and comfort to counter-revolutionary forces .
5 However , we soon stopped smiling when it started to rain and the wind got up ; the sealant , which had n't yet hardened , started to dilute , and one by one the secondary glazing panels were blown in. the wind started to blow bubbles in the gooey sealant , which then floated around the room , only to burst and leave a sticky mess on the carpets and furniture .
6 " By this means we hope to place at the disposal of our party in Parliament and in the country a trained body of fully formed critics , able not only to expose and correct the usual crudities of Radical-Socialist legislation , but to give form to a comprehensive policy of social reform . "
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