Example sentences of "more [conj] [adv] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In such circumstances , it is clearly easier to establish more or less uniform procedures on a more or less informal basis , and to disseminate to the general public the sort of information which will generate trust .
2 It could be said that in Western society religion has performed a considerable disservice by providing a more or less uniform system of social values — the Christian ethic .
3 The two central summary reports compiled by the SD , based on observations of reactions in all parts of the Reich immediately following the attack , provide a more or less uniform picture of deep shock , dismay , anger , and outrage about the attempt on the Führer 's life , and immense relief at the outcome .
4 Here not only do the sediments preserve a continuous and more or less uniform record over the disputed boundary , but the faunas ( most notably the monograptids ) went on happily evolving , oblivious of the great things that were going on elsewhere .
5 In the past it has generally been assumed either that spending patterns will change incrementally from year to year or be based on some more or less rational overview of budgets .
6 Not only do writers develop the innovations of their predecessors but they may also make more or less explicit references to their works , sometimes in highly elaborate forms .
7 Nevertheless there was a chance , perhaps , that a French government might have been so far-sighted or faint-hearted that it would have ordered a cease-fire , entered into serious negotiations , abandoned its insistence on membership of the French Union , accepted , at least by instalments , an independent , more or less communist state in a presumably close relationship with either the USSR or the Chinese Communist Party , or both , and been prepared to rely on Vietminh goodwill , such as it might be , for the preservation of whatever position they chose to accord France .
8 erm I think two people have had tremendous problems and again must have been going up and down St Aldate 's , because they were very busy officials , was Edward Hyde , who later became Earl of Clarendon and wrote his story of the war , again of course from the Royalist point of view , and his great friend , Lord Falkland , who was Secretary of State for the King , and became so upset and worried by the rash policies of the Queen 's party and the general atmosphere of intrigue , and by the war itself , that he does seem to have more or less committed suicide at the battle of Newbury , by riding ahead of his troops into the enemy .
9 Independent of this physical cause there exists always one more or less contrary evil to the cure of maladies in any Hospital whatever which results from the great number of sick assembled in one place , the bodies of which occasion emanations which alters more or less the wholesomeness of the air , but this cause may in some manner be done away with by the great cleanliness of the Stables and fumigations that might be performed from time to time …
10 Guilt is culpable responsibility — we are guilty of some specific offence , or we may be seen by others or see them as so ; in this sense we carry the more or less factual responsibility for damage or potential damage to some other person(s) or society as a whole .
11 A little later we find him interested in the creation story and reading the now more or less unread epic on the divine week of creation by the French poet Du Bartas .
12 The bees somehow convert the soup of rotten meat they 've collected into a more or less stable paste for storage in the nest cells .
13 The WFS considered all kinds of more or less stable unions as marriages , including " visiting unions " in which the couple do not live together .
14 In the WFS surveys questions about marriage of the women interviewed referred to " marital unions , " i.e. , " More or less stable cohabitation with a man whether based on a marriage which is sanctified by religion , law , or custom , or is simply a " marriage " of convenience . "
15 Kicks , punches and elbow strikes can all be directed at the ball , and because it has a certain amount of give in it , practitioners can get a more or less accurate feeling of how a punch or kick will feel against a human body .
16 He had given a more or less lucid report of everything that happened after the moon rose .
17 He may have some more or less general ideas about how to go about solving problems without the knowledge and means to solve them himself .
18 The interests of the other classes find more or less coherent expression in movements of opposition and protest .
19 In small States it was often possible for the ruler to express very effectively by his own actions this paternalist view and to have some more or less personal contact with an appreciable fraction of his subjects .
20 The first is a simple , unscaled and more or less subjective feeling of whether it is expensive or cheap .
21 but he person who was shop steward for the finishing department more or less assumed responsibility for the other shop stewards because the other shop stewards would perhaps only have fifteen or twenty , you know members er under them .
22 Advertising objectives are more or less specific statements of what is to be achieved by advertising , in terms of ( for example ) increased awareness , or improved scores on certain attitude scales .
23 The function of the areas is to achieve more or less complete coverage of popular and standards works for their zone .
24 Those car firms that build a more or less complete organisation for manufacturing , supply and design in America and Europe will be most likely to do well .
25 The more or less complete independence of corporate managers from their shareholders enables managers to pursue goals other than those of profit-maximization in the interests of the shareholders .
26 These caches usually consist of single prey species , and if the predator does not return for them the resulting bone assemblage should consist of more or less complete skeletons from one or a limited number of species .
27 Certainly , we might be justified in assuming that whatever kind of superego a person had it might have some controlling , drive-inhibiting aspects , and consequently that anarchy , which is equivalent to a more or less complete absence of controls , is an unlikely outcome .
28 The element of time is a chief cause of those difficulties in economic investigations which make it necessary for man with his limited powers to go step by step ; breaking up a complex question , studying one bit at a time , and at last combining his partial solutions into a more or less complete solution of the whole riddle .
29 The overall picture which has emerged from the analyses is of more or less consistent use of the same marble quarry for the same elements of the monument , but that a variety of marble types were selected for different purposes .
30 An equality of influence in the world between superpowers in the capacity to annihilate each other ( and ourselves ) may , for a while , alter the course of human history from one of repeated wars of a more or less controlled sort of strictly limited skirmishes in ‘ away from home ’ territories .
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