Example sentences of "more [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Opportunities to achieve better or more cost-effective removal of contaminants from the aqueous waste due to the higher initial concentrations .
2 Co-operation in the development of buying groups , marketing groups , secretarial services , machinery services and relief labour could all be found in a more advanced state in areas outside Britain .
3 Finally , schools have been expected to initiate discussions and reviews of the curriculum a change from the more usual state of affairs with regard to whole curriculum issues ( a point we made earlier ) .
4 Disability arts belong to Disabled people allowing the creation of art to be paramount , without the more usual digression into issues of inaccessibility .
5 She could not have packed a more unsuitable set of garments for tonight 's escapade , but then no such prospect had even crossed her mind when she was leaving London .
6 A more far-reaching agreement on reductions in strategic nuclear arms , which at the time of the Malta summit had been thought imminent , was deferred for further discussion .
7 This project will help provide a more coherent basis for theorizations of such changes and of the impacts of Japanese investment via detailed case studies of selected automobile companies and plants within France , Germany and the UK .
8 Values provide general guidelines for behaviour and they are translated into more specific directives in terms of roles and norms .
9 Guidelines may relate generically to a function ( e.g. recreational reading , adult relate generically to a function ( e.g. recreational reading , adult language books ) or to more specific categories of books within the function ( e.g. within recreational reading , to romances or popular biographies ) .
10 Moreover , against this backcloth of generalised anxieties about moral incohesion , there were a number of more specific allegations against standards of public conduct which , once again , bear a striking resemblance to the supposedly unprecedented complaints and aggravations of the postwar era .
11 On this the evidence is conflicting , some studies finding that take-overs were value-creating , others that target shareholder gains were more that off-set by losses to the shareholders of the acquiring companies .
12 If your pupilmaster is now above doing the humbler type of work ( in the county court or before magistrates ) with which you will have to start in your own practice , he will arrange for you to accompany more junior members of chambers to these lower courts .
13 We can see the whole theory as a sphere , with observation sentences on the periphery and non-observation sentences in the interior , starting from comparatively mundane sentences about material objects , moving through more theoretical sentences to laws of physical science and finally , at the centre , the laws of logic .
14 It will , however , require from some teachers a change of emphasis from an overly-didactic and instructional style of teaching to one of more direct interaction with pupils in the exercise of their educational tasks .
15 The sundew was used in the making of tartan to produce a fine purple , but best known of all is ( Parmelia saxatilis ) , a kind of lichen whose Gaelic name has gained more popular currency among English-speakers in Scotland than the equivalent translation , stone parmelia .
16 The company also agreed to provide a more adequate explanation of changes in accounting policy in future , and the Panel welcomed the directors ' intention ‘ to ensure that future notes will include reiteration of the former policy as well as a description of the new policy ’ .
17 However , a more careful analysis of methods of work and recreation in the Easter vac helped me to overcome these problems and be more in charge of myself , rather than being tossed about at random .
18 Hence , the challenge for GIS user interface design is to gain credibility for generic forms of interface : it is this form of GIS use that will ensure wider and more informed use of GIS in the years ahead .
19 But this leads to local sailing on more lively dinghies between bouts of strenuous sunbathing round the pool — or a dabble in windsurfing .
20 As well as kinder practices at parish level there was a more marked emphasis by reformers on finding alternative methods of helping the poor , for example in facilitating the setting up of friendly societies , the most popular vehicle for self-help .
21 Nevertheless , some positive developments can be noted ( for more detailed accounts of developments in teacher education see Sayer and Jones , 1985 and Robson Sebba , Mittler and Davies , 1988 ) .
22 The aim is to get more detailed information about levels of car fumes as part of the next phase of the district council 's monitoring programme .
23 Conceptual clustering involves more detailed analysis of relationships between traits .
24 The problem with such a system is that a more detailed breakdown of costs into trades , elements or work sections would be difficult to achieve on a manual basis .
25 The result is a much more restrained use of orders with extra-territorial effects than is the practice in the United States .
26 In come softer and more feminine shapes for women with an emphasis on good design and classic cuts .
27 This was to be preferred to the more rigid prescriptions of schools like the large 11–18 Welsh comprehensive which allocated young pupils to sharply divided courses within the school : one group advancing fast to O level in four years , four groups in five years , the next four to CSE ( for which see Chapter 7 ) in five years , four groups following special technical courses , two following general technical courses , two or three on commercial courses , and finally two groups for ‘ low ability ’ pupils .
28 These give a completely new perspective on the whole move into three dimensions and provide an interesting context for the more celebrated experiments of innovators like Tatlin , Rodchenko and Gabo .
29 However , the Secretary of State then came forward , in August , with a second , revised regulation , which dropped the exclusion of supplementary benefit and national assistance and sought instead to lay down a more restrictive set of conditions for back payments .
30 The achievement of Macmillan ( who before the war once declared that ‘ Toryism has always been a form of paternal socialism ’ ) was to adopt the more liberal ideas of men like Butler to render the rest of the meal palatable .
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