Example sentences of "more [coord] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 — the spelling of English was more or less fixed several hundred years ago ; but the pronunciation keeps changing , so that even where a letter once corresponded more or less to a sound , now it may not ;
2 Two years after I killed Blyth I murdered my young brother Paul , for quite different and more fundamental reasons than I 'd disposed of Blyth , and then a year after that I did for my young cousin Esmerelda , more or less on a whim .
3 erm Yes , now if we get to about half way down there 's a plus in the margin , and the third line in the bracket below that plus , more or less on a level with a three dot , and a little bit below , it says , William , I think it 's Wilkinson , a minister , curate of St Ebbe 's Parish , ‘ his answer that he must attend the burials and christenings ’ , so obviously he could n't work on the fortifications .
4 She had settled on the bottom with her bows more or less on a north-south line .
5 And more : ‘ LEGA … represents en bloc the fourth or fifth grouping in Italy , behind IRL , ENI and Fiat , but more or less on a par with Montedison . ’
6 Apart from these , the two rival systems were more or less on a par as far as simplicity and accord with observations of planetary positions are concerned .
7 So it could be used as a preliminary check for patients , more or less on a routine basis ?
8 And it 's more or less on the way to your place at Kew . "
9 Cos you 're nearly , you know , more or less on the corner there anyway are n't you ?
10 Whetton seemed to move into the All Black position more or less on the grounds of seniority and his experience of captaining Auckland .
11 It 's not what they hope to see , but it 's more or less on the spot of what once was the herb garden for the monks of Shrewsbury Abbey .
12 Well they did n't mind catching them that these here gamekeepers they come on more or less at the finish of the harvest over the field with the guns what was left .
13 A lamb remains a lamb until it loses its milk teeth , more or less at the end of the year , and — if it has n't lost its life as well by then — it becomes a hogget .
14 Hermes Trismegistus emerged from Egypt more or less at the time in which Zoroaster and the Magi became respected figures among the Greeks : they will have to be considered together .
15 He had never married , but his will shows that he regarded Elsynge , his successor in the clerkship , more or less as a son .
16 Irwin , or any Viceroy , had by the end of the twenties only two possibilities before him : either to follow , for as long as British willpower and resources lasted , an unending road of remorseless repression , or to parley , more or less as an equal with Gandhi and his adjutants with a view to guiding the country , maybe fairly slowly but nonetheless unrelentingly , towards self-government .
17 Otherwise you 'd be out more or less into the night because you got to go and see the men at night you see ?
18 More or less since the end of the Second World War , Karajan had been fascinated by the challenge of music on film .
19 That is foolish of him , because we have discovered that there is agreement more or less across the spectrum .
20 Look also for R Centauri , a red Mira-type variable more or less between the Pointers .
21 The front pair point slightly forward from the forehead and are positioned more or less between the eyes .
22 " When they were out of a ship they were more or less in a state of intoxication , during which time they were in the society of the very lowest description that could be found .
23 As a master of the long line himself , Karajan would probably have endorsed some of Boult 's sentiments ( many of Karajan 's recordings have been put down more or less in a series of single takes ) , but he would also have agreed to an extent with Gould that ‘ good splices ’ can also ‘ build good lines ’ .
24 , that was in the middle , more or less in the middle of the town .
25 I used to roam all just round the country , round this area , which was all fields at that time and when you got at top , top of you were more or less in the country .
26 Then , of course , the other side was his interest in Child Education , and he had been more or less in the outset of the exciting development which had been going on in Vienna , and had come back with all kinds of ideas .
27 They are more or less in the position that teachers will be when they receive the published item .
28 I often think that perhaps putting the hub of the sails in , more or less in the centre of the picture perhaps , not the best place , but I think because in this case , we 've got a lot of trees down to the bottom here .
29 Although the , the hub of the sails is more or less in the centre of this photograph it 's not in sent not in the sense of , of the area of vision because you 've got a lot of dark area here so that tends to move the centre of vision so it becomes this bit , if you like , and so that 's not in the centre there .
30 Clearly television is not the only reason for falling gates — affluence and a consequently greater variety of choice in entertainment , a desire to participate in physical exercise rather than watch , hooliganism , suburban family-centredness , and feminism are other factors all pulling more or less in the direction of declining live attendance .
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