Example sentences of "more [adv] [conj] she [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't think he 's trying to kid us ’ Agnes said rather more grimly than she had intended .
2 She spoke — more slowly than she had spoken before — and Fatima listened with a concentrated intensity that she never lent to Marie Claire 's requests and detailed instructions .
3 ‘ I do n't know what you mean by ‘ a woman like you ’ , ’ she said , more gently than she had intended .
4 Robbie bristled indignantly , the more so because she had felt strangely bereft at the thought of being without his company .
5 Surprisingly , sleep came more easily than she had anticipated , and soon her eyelids felt heavy and her eyes began to close .
6 Even so , Robbie breathed more easily once she had put the length of the narrow boat between them .
7 ‘ Because I 've been given my marching orders , ’ Ellie said more shortly than she 'd intended .
8 It came out more drily than she had intended , and black-haired Greg Carey laughed , interpreting her tone as one of irony .
9 Anxiety made her speak more sharply than she had intended ; she was not looking forward to telling Madame Gebrec just why Officer Hassan was about to pay her another visit and it was a relief when Madame Delon answered her call .
10 To disguise her sudden confusion , she said more sharply than she had intended , ‘ I wish you would n't say things like that . ’
11 ‘ Of course not ! ’ she said more sharply than she had intended .
12 ‘ You do n't have to engage in casual relationships , ’ she replied , more sharply than she had intended .
13 ‘ That wo n't be necessary , ’ she said , drawing away from him , speaking a little more sharply than she 'd intended .
14 ‘ What ought we to do ? ’ said Fenella , a bit more loudly than she had meant .
15 It came out more aggressively than she had intended .
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