Example sentences of "at [num] [adj] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At ninety five and selling for ninety five pounds , you all done ?
2 It 's against you both , three twenty three fifty at the back three fifty standing at three hundred and fifty pounds standing at three fifty and selling for three hundred and fifty .
3 Three eighty in front at three eighty and selling for three eighty thank you , it 's yours , sir , for three eighty and that 's for number six six one six one two six one two , thank you .
4 Lot number one one three Lot number one one three I 'm now offering there we are , the brush pot there 's the brush pot showing for three hundred pounds at three hundred pounds at three twenty , three fifty , three eighty , four hundred , and twenty , four fifty , four eighty , five hundred and fifty five fifty , six hundred for you , sir six hundred , six twenty six fifty six hundred and fifty in the centre and selling for six eighty seven hundred and twenty seventy fifty seven eighty eight hundred and twenty eight fifty eight eighty nine hundred and twenty nine twenty is bid on the left , at nine twenty and selling for nine hundred and twenty thank you , sir , nine twenty and that 's for number eight four eight , thank you very much .
5 One sixty , thank you one sixty in front now second row at one sixty and selling for one sixty thank you , a hundred and sixty pounds and that 's for number two one eight .
6 One sixty in the back row at one sixty and selling for a hundred and sixty , one seventy standing one eighty one ninety one ninety , two hundred pounds any more ?
7 One hundred pounds and ten one twenty one twenty offered to my right , at one twenty and selling for a hundred and twenty pounds .
8 At seventy , seventy five , eighty pounds eighty five , ninety pounds ninety five , a hundred one hundred pounds against you , one ten to my right , against you at the back one ten to my right , at one ten and selling for a hundred and ten .
9 At the time , Davide found the two women funny ; they shrieked at one another and squealed like animals at the slaughter themselves .
10 One hundred and eighty pounds with the lady at one eighty and selling for one eighty in the back row .
11 Two fifty here in the centre now two fifty I 've got and I shall sell , two eighty two hundred and eighty , three hundred pounds three twenty three fifty three eighty four hundred four hundred by the post , at four hundred and selling for four hundred , if you 're all finished at four hundred pounds yours sir , thank you , four hundred and that 's for number six O nine , six O nine thank you .
12 Four fifty , thank you four fifty standing at four fifty and selling for four fifty , all done ?
13 Lot number forty one , the brass sticks there we are , we 've got one of them showing for you just one of them showing , I 've got a hundred and fifty offered for it , one fifty , sixty , seventy , eighty one ninety , two hundred I 'm bid I 'm offered two hundred pounds , anybody else at two hundred and selling at two hundred , two twenty , two forty going on ?
14 Two hundred against you both at two hundred pounds , the bid 's on the book at two hundred against you both , at two hundred and selling for two hundred , two twenty , two forty two sixty , two eighty any more sir ?
15 Two hundred pounds against the lady , at two hundred and selling for two hundred pounds thank you , sir , it 's yours for two hundred , that 's eight five four .
16 Erm , I thought flexitime scheme began at seven thirty and ended at seven thirty ?
17 He arrived at the hospital at seven forty and reported to the chief surgeon .
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