Example sentences of "at [art] [adj] [noun sg] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Durance was still looking at the painted woman stepping from the shadow .
2 Then she stared , amazed , at the fragile rosebud lying across his palm .
3 It was this image that accompanied me as I walked down the rue de Fleuve , stopping for a final coup d'oeil at the squat church crouching on its gravel ground .
4 The King complained about the singing of the ‘ Red Flag ’ and the ‘ Marseillaise ’ at the Labour Party meeting in the Albert Hall a few days before .
5 Frankie narrowed his eyes and squinted at the bloody object lying between her powerful front paws .
6 The almost unanimous passage of the decree , by 364 votes to 6 , came at the end of a day of turmoil at the Supreme Soviet sitting in the Kremlin .
7 In the case of a buy-out , disclosure should be made at the first board meeting at which the proposed buy-out is considered , and should be made to the full board and not to a committee of it .
8 Yet , when the think-tank was wound up at the first Cabinet meeting after the 1983 general election , not a single minister spoke up in its defence .
9 He looked up at the great tower soaring above him .
10 Twice Cantona stole into position at the far post waiting in vain for crosses .
11 In fact Professor Hayek is sufficiently honest to admit that the free society which we have seen grow in Europe since the Enlightenment has produced through the writings of Marx and Freud a set of values which if not renounced will destroy the civilisation itself ; namely the pursuit of egalitarianism at the collective level leading to the replacement of the market economy by the planned economy and the pursuit of freedom at the personal level leading to abandonment of traditional morality based on the concept of right and wrong and good and evil .
12 He turned and looked at the slender woman cowering in her chair .
13 Richie glanced over his shoulder at the young PC pacing behind them .
14 Spencer was staring with obvious delight at the young girl standing before him .
15 Glancing back at the young man waiting in the doorway , he gestured impatiently to Ellen .
16 But when there was no retort from her granddaughter , she turned her head and looked at the young woman lying with her back against the head of the couch , her eyes closed , the muscles of her jaws showing white through the skin , and , her tone changing , she enquired , ‘ What is it , dear ?
17 Now I was standing at the closed door listening to his absence .
18 Gina sprang to her feet glaring down at the golden-skinned Dane lounging opposite her .
19 But their position changed at the International Board meeting at Newport on May 30 .
20 But every time he turned round to look at the black shape labouring after him he was confirmed in the suspicion that Islamic outfits were far sexier than boring old black-leather bras , split-crotch panties or steel suspenders .
21 On that frozen trackway , however , I just stared at the grotesque thing lying in the snow ; the hand seemed to be thrusting up through the earth as if some ghoul was struggling to rise from its grave .
22 A common user oil berth was created at the Imperial Basin concentrating in one place all of the oil tanker operations and releasing the berth on the North Side of Imperial Dock for bulk handling activities .
23 In fact Professor Hayek is sufficiently honest to admit that the free society which we have seen grow in Europe since the Enlightenment has produced through the writings of Marx and Freud a set of values which if not renounced will destroy the civilisation itself ; namely the pursuit of egalitarianism at the collective level leading to the replacement of the market economy by the planned economy and the pursuit of freedom at the personal level leading to abandonment of traditional morality based on the concept of right and wrong and good and evil .
24 Arrangements are under way for the hosting of a lunch at the 1992 Autumn meeting in Dublin .
25 THE Coleraine club and local competitors again did us proud at the European Championship meeting at Kirkistown .
26 Apart from my own pride , what on earth would the public think about seeing the European champion and double sprint winner at the European Cup running in the reserve relay team ?
27 Before pursuing this theme , attention should be directed at the other issue arising from Brockway 's declaration , the abolitionist stance , which eschews efforts to improve life within prisons in favour of seeking to be entirely rid of the prison system .
28 Not for the first time Delaney looked into the eyes that were deep , infathomable pools of green , and at the copper-coloured hair falling around the high smooth cheek bones ; at the small upturned nose and a mouth just large enough to hint at the animal sensuality lying dormant beneath the surface .
29 ‘ No , but you 'll find him in the bar at the nearest race meeting to London .
30 They said the group hoped its recommendations would be considered when ministers meet at the Anglo-Irish Conference meeting in London on Friday .
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