Example sentences of "at [noun sg] or [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well if somebody at work or in a office , bound to have a watch .
2 If you have to stand for a while at work or in a queue , it would be helpful to have one leg behind the other with the feet at about 45 degrees to each other .
3 There are , however , several small points worth remembering when eating either at home or in a restaurant with older people .
4 People can join in an organised event or can ‘ do their bit ’ at home or in a leisure centre .
5 If this is thought too tame , a lively and amusing party can be held at home or in a room at a sports club along the lines of a fancy dress party , again with humorous speeches .
6 The company this month recruited a computer and voice-recognition chips to mobilise workers when an emergency occurs at night or during a holiday .
7 It is , however , not on his career at Court or as a bishop or even as a controversialist that Andrewes ' place in the history of the Church of England depends , but on his sermons and private prayers , which were published after his death .
8 He embarked in the Janet Izatt , and died at sea or in a port somewhere between Sydney and London at some time between February and June 1843 ( the ship 's log has been destroyed ) .
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